Seminars, Training Programs and Conferences @ AIT

Seminars, Training Programs and
Conferences @ AIT

'Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Thailand'

The 'Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Thailand' seminar will be held on
23 April at AIT. The seminar is sponsored by The Electricity Generating Authority
of Thailand (EGAT), supported by the Asian Institute of Technology and organized by
The ESI Reform Project, Energy Program, AIT

Interested persons may contact: Prof. Dr. Surapong Chirarattananon
ESI Reform Project, Energy Program, Asian Institute of Technology.

'Distance Learning Program Development: The Case of Kansas State University Master of

Prof. Allen M. Featherstone, 'Director of Agribusiness Program', Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State
University, USA will conduct a seminar entitled 'Distance Learning Program Development: The Case of Kansas State
University, Master of Agribusiness ' on Friday, 26 April during 11:00 – 12:00 hrs in SOM Lecture Room 1.

All interested persons are welcome to attend the Seminar.

For further information, please contact Dr. Yann Duval at SOM, tel. ext. 5666.