Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
June 30, 2003: Seminar on 'Constitutive Modelling of Sand Based on the Concept of Hypoplasticity' will be held at 9:00 a.m. in room N240, SCE Building. The seminar will be conducted by Prof. Erich Bauer, Ao. Univ.-Prof., Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn., Institute of General Mechanics, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
A special class of a hypoplastic constitutive model is proposed to describe the mechanical properties of granular materials like sand. The concept of hypoplasticity differs fundamentally from the concept of elastoplasticity as no decomposition of the strain into reversible and irreversible parts is needed. Furthermore, the flow rule and the stress limit condition are not described by separate functions in hypoplasticity but they are included in the evolution equation for the state variables. With a unified description of the interaction between pressure level and density the model can be applied to a wider range of pressures and densities, using only one set of constitutive constants. Micro-properties of granular materials manifested during shear banding can be taken into account with an extension of the classical continuum approach to a micro-polar continuum. The advantage of the hypoplastic concept not only lies in the simple formulation of the constitutive equations and their implementation in a finite element code but also in an easy adaptation of the constitutive constants to experiments. It is shown by comparing the predictions with the experimental data on dense and loose sand that the hypoplastic constitutive model is capable of reproducing the essential properties of sand under drained and undrained conditions
July 9-11, 2003:'Rural electrification and Distributed Generation for Sustainable Development' training workshop will be organized by Electric Power System Management, SERD, at the AIT Conference Center. Resource persons will be Prof. Surapong Chiratannon, Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Dr. Mithulananthan N, Dr. S.N. Singh from IIT-Kanpur, and
Mr. Alan D. Gonzales, EC-ASEAN COGEN Programme Phase III
Topics to be covered are:
- Rural Electrification and Its Need
- RE Schemes and Difficulties in Asia
- RE Supply Systems
- Social and Economic Benefits of RE
- Method of Demand Forecasting and Program Development
- Distributed Generation vs. Traditional Power Systems
- Cost and Economic Evaluation
- Wind Distributed Generation
- Cogeneration & Its importance
- Fuel Cell Powered Distributed Generator
- Solar-Thermal Power Generation
- Photovoltaic (PV) Generation
- Basic DG Case Example: What to Include and How?
- Grid Interconnection Option of DG
- Evaluation and Financing of DG Projects
A registration fee of US$150 (6,000 Baht) will be paid by participant. For attendees from government agencies, state enterprises, or universities, the registration fee is US$125 (5,000 Baht). Details of the workshop and registration form can be downloaded from: