Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
March 22, 2004, 2:00 p.m. : 'Ferrocement and its Applications in the Construction Industry' seminar. The seminar will be conducted by Prof. N. Ganesan, Visiting Professor, SCE in room W-212
Ferrocement is another form of reinforced concrete in which cement mortar is reinforced with layers of wire mesh. The uniform distribution of reinforcement improves several engineering properties of the composite such as tensile and flexural strength; fracture toughness; impact resistance; fatigue resistance etc. There are several applications of ferrocement which include building industry; boat industry, irrigation sector, water supply and sanitation areas, and rehabilitation industry. Studies indicate that it appears to be an excellent composite in the case of seismic resistant structures. The seminar discusses in detail the application of ferrocement in the construction industry.
March 24-26, 2004: 'Reforming Electricity Sectors: The Nordic Power Market' workshop. The workshop will be held from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the AIT Conference Center
For more than ten years electricity business has been experiencing a steadily increasing number of electricity sectors being reformed. Thereby some reforms are being described as a 'success', some as a 'good start' and some even as a 'failure'. The used criteria mostly are traded volumes and the downwards price development for success, for failure you find market power, upwards price development and a bad system reliability. In all these reformed electricity sectors you can find companies having successfully adapted to the new conditions, new companies having used the opportunity to start a more or less successful business, but also a proper number of not more existing companies - companies having gone bankrupt, been bought up or even been liquidated.
The Workshop 'Reforming Electricity Sectors: The Nordic Power Market' will give participants an overview over reforms and developments worldwide. Our resource persons from Nord Pool Consulting will enable you to take part in their unique hands-on experience and knowledge from the Nordic Power Market and other selected markets. The workshop is aiming at transfer of knowledge and experience through presentations, working groups and trading simulations.
March 25, 2004: Space Technology Applications and Research (STAR) Seminar on Assessing Environmental Impacts of Highway Project in GIS Framework - A Quantitative Approach
The seminar will be held at 3:00-4:00 Room W 208, SERD Building and will be conducted by Assistant Prof. M.L. Agrawal, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College, Pt. Ravishankar University Raipur, India
March 26, 2004: Overview of Oil, Gas and New Hydrate Energy Development seminar will be conducted by Dr. Yoshinori Sanada, Kyoto University, Japan. The seminar will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Room N-250, SCE Building
There are a lot of products from oil and gas around us; not only fuel of car, electric power plant, airplane, but also plastic, asphalt, etc. Where and how do we find and obtain them? In this seminar Dr. Sanada will present an overview of oil and gas geophysical exploration and development as well as about new hydrocarbon resources, gas hydrate and oil sand.
March 30, 2004: Short Course on