intERLab hosts workshops

intERLab hosts workshops

AIT's Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) is planning to host its collaborative training event, which is held once a year, with Asia Pacific Network Information Centre of Brisbane, Australia, from 13 to 16 June 2006 at AIT. The courses will include a three-day Routing Essentials Workshop, which was designed to help networking professionals identify the design requirements in running a network; perform Internet protocol addressing best practices for the network infrastructure; configure a router running in a simulated network environment; use appropriate routing protocols that will handle the traffic flow to address the reliability, redundancy, and performance requirements of a network; and a one-day Internet resource management essentials course.

The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre is one of five Regional Internet Registries providing allocation and registration services to support Internet operations globally. It is a not-for-profit, open membership organization, whose members and stakeholders determine its policies and direction through open, consensus-based processes. The center's main role is to ensure that IP addresses (and related number resources) are managed responsibly in the Asia Pacific. The service is vital for global Internet stability and continued Internet development in this region. In support of this main role, the center also provides training and education, hosts open policy development forums, fosters development of Internet infrastructure and represents regional community interests on the global stage.

The following workshops will be organized at AIT:

'Internet Resource Management – Essentials' will be held on 13 June 2006, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AIT Conference Center, Room B-108.

'Routing Essentials Workshop' will be held on 14-16 June 2006, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AIT Conference Center, Room B-108.

For more information on course contents and registration details, please visit:

AIT's intERLab will also organize a three-day 'Basic Routing' training 20-22 June 2006. The instructor is Dr. Yasuo Tsuchimoto, an assistant professor at the graduate school of Media and Governance, Keio University in Japan.

He received his Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2004. He is currently a technical committee of Internet Architecture, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and a member of the Widely Integrated Distributed Environment Project, which is the research consortium of Internet technology and first Internet Service Provider in Japan. He has been working as network operator of WIDE Internet for more than 10 years and is now working in Thailand to establish the super broadband network for the research and development community.

'Basic Routing' Training will be held 20-22 June 2006, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at AIT Conference Center.

For registration details and course contents, please visit: