Online water resources course offered

Online water resources course offered

The Regional United Nations Water Virtual Learning Centre at AIT, established in collaboration with United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health, Canada, and with support from the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, is now inviting applications from prospective water professionals for its second batch. This distance based e-learning program consists of 10 courses (25 hours per course) and leads to an award of a diploma in Integrated Water Resources Management on successful completion. The special feature of the program lies in its uniqueness in delivery mode which consists of both face-to-face and distance-based learning.

Courses 1 and 10 will be conducted face-to-face at AIT for two weeks each and courses 2 to 9 will be conducted online for about seven to eight weeks each.

The program curriculum covers hydrology, terrestrial ecosystem, land use changes, aquatic ecosystem, water uses and wastewater, governance and community-based approaches and organizational infrastructure and management aspects.

The next program is scheduled for August 2006. Deadline for application is 15 June 2006.

For more information, visit or call us at +66 2 5245793 (Monday through Friday). Further inquiries can also be made to