Students offered free opera tickets

Students offered free opera tickets

Maestro Somtow Sucharitkul and the Bangkok Opera recently offered the AIT Student Union 100 tickets free for AIT students, recent alumni and their families for Mozart's 'Cosi Fan Tutte.'

The performance will be on Sunday June 25. Visit the AIT Student Union office until lunchtime on Friday for seat and transportation reservations. 120 baht will cover transportation cost. Participants should gather in front of the AIT Conference Center on Sunday at 5 p.m.

This Mozart opera is both funny and sublime. It takes the audience on a psychological tour of the art of love, and it questions traditional understandings. In the opera, two see two couples seem happy enough, but a cynical onlooker suggests that the women would be unfaithful if tested. So, the men supposedly go off but return in disguise and try to seduce each other's fiancee. As the events unfold, bringing the realization, with horror as well as humor, that the real love is not between the original pairings, but is found in the new ones that come of infidelity.