8-9 March: SEA-UEMA Project and Hue City training in Vietnam

8-9 March: SEA-UEMA Project and Hue City training in Vietnam

The Asian Institute of Technology, through the SEA-UEMA Project, and the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Hue City, will jointly organize the 'Training Program on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Solid Waste and Water & Sanitation Projects' in Hue, Vietnam on March 8-9, 2007.

The training will enable participants from government and non-government organizations gain a better understanding of the approaches, methods and practices used in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of urban environmental projects, especially on solid waste (SW) and water and sanitation (WS), in Hue City, Vietnam. It also aims to promote coordination of local projects using the participatory approach as well as impart techniques on internal and external communication within a project. The training will focus on boat communities in Hue City, which have been the focus of development projects. The lessons learned from these communities and their projects are expected to benefit the participants.

Some 30 participants are expected to attend the training. They are urban environmental managers or officers, NGO's, municipality officials, community leaders and women's organizations who are closely involved in urban environmental management (UEM) at the city or quarter/commune level. Lecturers from AIT, Hue University and other institutions in Vietnam have been invited to discuss specific topics during the training.

The Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications (SEA-UEMA) Project—a joint initiative between Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)—aims to improve the urban environmental conditions in this region through good urban environmental management (UEM) policies and practices with gender equality and poverty reduction as crosscutting issues. The Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Hue City, is one the agencies under the direction of Hue City People's Committee. It coordinates all projects of foreign elements of Hue City as well as the relations between Hue City People's Committee and foreign embassies to Vietnam, international organizations and NGOs.

For more information about this training, please send an e-mail to uemapplications@ait.ac.th