25 April: RTG Joint Research certificate granting and signing ceremony

25 April: RTG Joint Research certificate granting and signing ceremony

Certificate granting and signing ceremony of Joint Research Project under the Royal Thai Government Funding will be held on 25 April 2007, from 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at Board Room, Administration Building , AIT. Attending the event will be Prof. Said Irandoust , AIT President; Prof. Vilas Wuwongse, Vice President for External Relations; Prof. Peter Haddawy, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit , Vice President for Research; Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein, Vice President for Development and Resources; Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean School of Engineering; Prof. S. Kumar, Dean School of Environment, Resources and Development; Prof. I.M. Pandey , Dean School of Management; and Mrs. Wannapa Pliansri, RTG Relations Coordinator. Representatives from the Federation of Thai Industries and the Royal Thai Government will also join the event.