28-30 May: AARM Shrimp Farm BMPs Workshop
The Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management (AARM) FoS will hold Shrimp farm Best Management Practices (BMPs) workshop on 28-30 May 2007 at the AIT conference Center. The workshop is a planned activity of shrimp Farm BMPs project co-funded by the EU Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility, and is being organized jointly with the Networks of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA), Bangkok. The project aims to improve quality of shrimp produced by small-scale shrimp farmers through adaptation of BMPs to increase their participation in the EU export market.
This workshop will finalize BMPs relevant to the small-scale shrimp farmers and formulate strategies for efficient adoption. The workshop will analyze the existing management plans, capacities and institutional management, identify gaps, and prepare an overall plan for adoption of BMPs by the small-scale shrimp farmers. Spread over three days, there will be a mixture of presentations, expert input, break-out sessions where Participants will be split into working groups, and brainstorming/discussions in plenary. The major part of the workshop will be spent on discussion and working together and some presentations by academic experts will be included to help to initiate group discussions. There will be about 50 participants representing shrimp producers, processors, and exporters, department of fisheries officials, researchers and academicians.
For more information on this workshop, please contact Dr. Dhirendra P. Thakur, Project Coordinator, AARM at thakur@ait.ac.th