This workshop is to discuss food safety issues related to the shrimp farm management practices and is expected to suggest strategies to facilitate export market access to the small-scale shrimp farmers. The workshops will focus on the recent changes undergoing in the world shrimp market and will discuss the capacity building needs to help small-scale farmers comply with consumer driven quality demand in the EU market. The workshop will also review and discuss implementation of the shrimp farm BMPs project and may provide recommendations to scale-up the activities and way forward to bring sustainability to the project. There will be a mixture of presentations, expert input, break-out sessions where Participants will be split into working groups, and brainstorming/discussions in plenary. There will be about 40 participants representing shrimp producers, processors, and exporters, government officials, researchers and academicians.
For more information on this workshop, please contact Dr. Dhirendra P. Thakur, Project Coordinator, AARM at