Special Lecture and Seminar on the Use of Social Media for Promoting the Institute

All AIT faculty, staff and students are invited to a special lecture and seminar by Mr. Sten Dellby on the use of social media for promoting the Institute. The lecture and seminar will be on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 at 14.00 hours in the Board Room, Administration building. Those who are interested may please send their confirmation to wannapa@ait.asia . Below is the abstract of the lecture and brief information on Mr Dellby.

Mr. Sten Dellby, Director of Communications Office, at University of Boras, Sweden is on the Staff Exchange Program under the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation (EM EuroAsia). Mr Dellby is going to give two presentations:

i) The first is a case presentation of a promotion campaign. [Time frame: 20 minutes]

This presentation could be of interest to officers who work with student recruitment and for Public Relations/Communications officers interested in a campaign which integrates different types of media.

ii) The second presentation is a seminar about Social Media. The ideal time frame for this is two hours.

In the first part of the presentation, he will try to define Social Media and in the second part, he will share some of his own experiences. It would be ideal, if the seminar group includes both experienced users and novices.

Mr. Sten Dellby’s academic background is in political science (Master level). He started his career at the Academic Affairs Office at the University of Gothenburg. After a few years , he was recruited to the newly founded University of Boras, where he has worked for more than thirty years. He has also been a member of a government ad hoc committee with the task of establishing a university in Malmö.

During all these years, he has been working with communications (public- and government relations, alumi- and industy relations, media etc). However his main field of interest has been student recruitment, which has been somewhat of a necessity, since the environment is highly competitive for a new university. And, with some modesty (!), he must say that he is quite proud of what they have managed to accomplish at the University of Boras.