Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will be participating in the Forum with the AIT President, Prof. Said Irandoust acting as a moderator in the session on “Role of Science in Adaptive Development”. Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President, AIT will represent AIT's Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development in the Context of Climate Change (SDCC)as a panelist in the session. In the session on “Financing Adaptation & Aid Effectiveness”, Ms. Leena Wokeck, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Asia Center at AIT shall be a panelist. Both sessions are scheduled on 21 October 2010.
SDCC is also participating in the Forum's Market Place which will showcase dynamic and diverse range of organizations, products, services, information and knowledge on Climate Change Adaptation.
The Adaptation Network is facilitated by UNEP, Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES), AIT/UNEP RRC.AP, Asian Development Bank (ADB) in partnership with other key actors in the region.
The Adaptation Forum will:
* stimulate regional knowledge sharing and facilitate networking among participants to maximize synergy;
* add value to existing country/regional level knowledge platforms and activities to enhance and support cooperation and coordination;
* link local level adaptation initiatives with those at the national and regional levels.
Detailed program is available at this link. The event brochure can be accessed here.