Technical Seminar on “A Revolutionary Seismic Data Acquisition System Utilizing Autonomous Nodes”

The event is being organized by “Geo-Exploration and Petroleum Geo-Engineering (GEPG) Program, SET.


FairfieldNodal recently introduced revolutionary equipment to improve productivity and to reduce Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) exposure for seismic data acquisition in land and in marine environments. The equipment utilizes Autonomous Nodes, whereby seismic data is stored internally in each node and there are no physical connections or communications between nodes or with any other equipment. This significantly improves operational reliability, field operations are greatly simplified and seismic data quality is very consistent. Each Node records data continuously from the time they are deployed until the time they are recovered, which typically can be many days to several weeks. The Node systems used on land are also ideal for use with the latest advanced multi-source vibroseis techniques. These Node systems have also been used to record earthquakes, have also been deployed to monitor well fracturing and have been used for passive seismic because of their continuous recording capability. These nodal systems are quite a departure from traditional seismic data acquisition systems, which uses cables to telemeter data from every ground station to a central recorder.

GEPG/GTE students are invited to attend. Other interested individuals are most welcome to join. For further details, please contact Dr. Giao at Ext. 5529 or Ms. Supamas at Ext. 6057.

More details are available at this link.