Ochanomizu – AIT student seminar on gender, sexuality and trade

 A student seminar on “gender, sexuality and trade” will be organized by the Gender and Development Studies (GDS) field of study of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 17 August 2012 at 1300 hours. Titled Ochanomizu - AIT student seminar, the seminar will discuss topics of sexuality particularly on transgender; and human resource management and foreign direct investment.

The discussion will witness six presentations, two from students from Ochanomizu University and four from GDS students. In addition, representatives from UNDP and Mahidol University will also participate. Currently, GDS field of study at AIT is hosting exchange students from Ochanumizu University, Japan.

Venue: at Room W224-B, AIT.
Time: 1300-1600 hours
Date: 17 August 2012.

Event Time
Welcome remark by Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe, Associate Professor and Coordinator, GDS/SERD 1300-1310
Presentation:“The Gendered Effect of ASEAN Economic Community on Healthcare Sector: Mobility of Nursing Services and Care Deficit in Rural Areas of Thailand” by Mr.Napaphat Satchanawakul 1310-1330
Presentation: “Japanese Companies in Thailand and China: A comparative perspective of human resource phenomenon” by Ms. Li Wuyingga 1330-1350
Presentation:"Escaping the Middle-income Trap: Firms' Strategies and Their Impact on Labour Welfare" by Mr. Rapipong Promnart 1350-1410
Presentation:“Issues Challenging Future Thai Elder Care by Women and Family." By Ms. Boontarika Narknisorn 1410-1430
Presentation: “Revisiting the Concept of Sexuality” by Ms. Momoyo Niimi 1440-1500
Presentation: “Women's Bargaining Power in Sexual Relationship Against HIV Vulnerability” by Ms. Thippawan Mokpa 1500-1520
Comments and discussion:
• Dr. Yumiko Yamamoto, Programme Specialist, Poverty Reduction, UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre;
• Mr. Ronnapoom Samakkeekarom, Lecturer, Center for Health Policy Studies, Mahidol University;
• Mr. Timo Ojanen, Researcher, Center for Health Policy Studies, Mahidol University
Closing remarks by Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe 1600