Institute Forum

Dear Members of the AIT Community,

In follow up to my earlier below email, please find attached for your kind information the outline of the program for the Institute Forum, this coming Tuesday, 30th October 2012 from 10:30 a.m.: 1 p.m. Members of the AIT Council will be joining the Forum.

During the forum, we will discuss the Institute?s activities and initiatives, financial situation and projections, recent issues relating to AIT status followed by a Q&A session.

Dr. Sandro Calvani, Acting Head, Human Resources Office and Mr. Ahmed Amjad Ali, Head, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO) will co-serve as the moderators for the Institute Forum.

Members of the AIT community are most welcome to submit their questions in writing in advance of the Institute Forum and can do so by sending them either to Dr. Calvani at or Mr. Ahmed at

This Institute Forum is separate from the informal AIT stakeholders meeting, which the AIT Council has requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand to convene. A formal request has been submitted by the Council but there has not been any response so far and we hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will consider the request positively and convene the informal AIT stakeholders meeting in due course.

As communicated earlier, and in consultation with the Deans, it has been agreed that classes will be suspended during the period of the Forum, i.e. 10:30 a.m. ? 1 p.m.

We very much look forward to your participation.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Said Irandoust
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)