An introductory social business workshop titled “Social Business 101 – Empowering Social Entrepreneurs” will be organized from 1-4 May 2013 at the AIT Conference Center.
The workshop is intended to serve as a crash course in social business for NGOs, SMEs, academia, corporate sector or private. The four-day workshop comprises of field visits, workshops, case studies and discussions led by recognized resource persons in cooperation with local entrepreneurs. Participants will gain a basic understanding of social business, its operations and growth and will have the opportunity to:
1. Brainstorm, expand and evaluate social business ideas and opportunities
2. Learn from the best practices of successful social entrepreneurs
3. Become aware of the challenges and constraints in starting a social venture
4. Idealize a social business model that can be further developed and actualized into becoming a marketable social venture
5. Further receive incubation support from Yunus Center AIT after workshop completion
The fee of 500 THB for the three-day workshop including field visits to successful social enterprises in Thailand is highly subsidized and pays only for certain direct costs. The workshop is free. A special discounted rate of Baht 300 applies to students.
For more details visit this link: http://www.yunuscenter.ait.asia/sb101/ .
Contact: Steven Rubinyi, Evanshainia Syiem or Rowena C. Alcoba at ext. 5224.