Managing Water Resources under Climate Uncertainty: Challenges and Opportunities

 Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is organizing a workshop on "Managing Water Resources under Climate Uncertainty: Challenges and Opportunities" on 17-18 October 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop is being organized under the SEA-EU-NET II project.

Abstracts from researchers who are conducting research related to climate change and water resources in Southeast Asia are welcome.


 17 October 2013
 :   Day 1
 0830 -- 0845  Registration
 0845 -- 0930  Welcome Remarks / Key note speech (Invited Speaker) / Group Photo
 0930 -- 0950  Coffee Break
 0950 -- 1130  Climate change and impact on water sector ; Plenary lecture + Presentations
 1130 -- 1200  Poster Presentation / Interaction 
 1200 -- 1300   Lunch Break
 1300 -- 1440  Uncertainties associated with climate prediction and impact assessment ;
Plenary lecture + Presentations 
 1440 -- 1500 Coffee Break
 1500 – 1640 Management of water under current climate variability and uncertainty;
Plenary lecture + Presentations
 18 October 2013 :  Day 2
 0830 – 1010  Adapting water management to climate change; Plenary lecture + Presentations 
 1010 --1030   Coffee Break
 1030 – 1130  Panel Discussion 
 1130 – 1200  Closing remarks (Invited Speaker)

Application deadline: 10 August 2013
Application Link:

More details about the event are available at this download link