Joint Research Seminar from Aalto University

The seminar will cover four topics:

- Publishing in International Journals & Getting Hired as an Asst. Professor in an International Business School (Prof. Henrikki Tikkanen)
- Contemporary Consumer Research: an Outlook (Dr. Joel Hietanen)
- Researching Organizational Mechanisms: A Study in a Product Development Context (Antti Sihvonen, M.Sc)
- Researching Corporate Strategies: A Study of Large Finnish Corporations (Iiro Vaniala, M.Sc)

Doctoral students (Ph.D. and DBA) from AIT’s School of Management are expected to participate in the seminar. Interested faculty and MBA students are also welcome to attend.

To confirm participation, kindly write to by 17 December 2013.

About the speakers:

Dr. Henrikki Tikkanen: Henrikki Tikkanen is a Professor of Marketing at Aalto University School of Business, Finland and Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden. He was Visiting Professor in AIT’s School of Management in 2013-2014.
His research interests include strategy and business model evolution, strategic marketing, industrial business relationships and networks, and international project marketing. His research has recently been published in Strategic Management Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Industrial and Corporate Change. With Prof. Juha-Antti Lamberg, he has won the Sloan Foundation’s Industry Studies Best Paper Prize in 2008.

Joel Hietanen: Joel Hietanen is a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Aalto University School of Business. His research covers Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), especially the use of videography in a consumer research context. He has won the best videography award at the Association of Consumer Research (ACR) main conference in the United States four times (2008-2013). He has published research in strategic marketing and project marketing. His research has been published e.g. in Journal of Business Research, Journal of Strategic Marketing and Management Decision.

Antti Sihvonen and Iiro Vaniala are doctoral students in Prof. Tikkanen's research team.

Their latest paper on Nokia's business model has been published in Long Range Planning:
Read the new article by Jaakko Aspara & Henrikki Tikkanen (2013) in Journal of Business Research
Frösén, Jaakkola, Vassinen & Tikkanen article on Marketing Performance Assessment Systems has been published in the European Journal of Marketing.

More details about Aalto University are available here:
Details about the Seminar are available for download from this link.