Seminar on “The NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program: Focus on Southeast Asia”

A seminar on "The NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program: Focus on Southeast Asia" will be delivered by Dr. Garik Gutman, Manager, The NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program, Landsat Program Scientist on 10 January 2014 from 1100-1200 hours at Room E220, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

The ICT-NASA Seminar will describe the goals of the Land-Cover/Land-Use Change (LCLUC) program.

This presentation will briefly describe the goals of the LCLUC program, its relation to other programs in Earth Science, the scientific content of the program and its global nature. It will touch on the role of Social Science. The talk will outline LCLUC issues in SE Asia, and describe the past and current projects in the region. It will briefly summarize what we have learned up to date scientifically and what remote sensing assets and methods are being used in the program as well as what is being planned in the near future. The program support of Monsoon Area Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) and some achievements under the auspices of this program will be discussed. The talk will conclude by presenting the scientific vision, programmatic developments and opportunities for enhancing collaboration between the LCLUC program and AIT scientists.

About LCLUC:
LCLUC is an interdisciplinary science program in the Earth Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate. LCLUC is part of the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area with links to some programs in other Focus Areas.
More details about LCLUC are available at this link:

About the speaker:
Details about Dr. Garik Gutman are available at this link: