Presentation on autonomous underwater robot SAUVIM

A presentation on the autonomous underwater robot Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention Missions (SAUVIM) will be delivered by Prof. Song K. Choi, on 2 June 2014 at 1330 hours at the Milton E. Bender Jr. Auditorium. Prof Choi, is Assistant Dean, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA.


“Autonomous manipulation” is a challenge in robotic technologies. It refers to the capability of a mobile robot system with one or more manipulators that performs intervention tasks requiring physical contacts in unstructured environments and without continuous human supervision. Achieving autonomous manipulation capability is a quantum leap in robotic technologies as it is currently beyond the state of the art in robotics.

The presentation will feature one of the most advanced underwater vehicle-manipulator system, SAUVIM (Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention Missions) which was developed by Autonomous System Laboratory, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Marine Autonomous System Engineering, Inc. We look forward to welcoming you to this wonderful opportunity to learn more about this groundbreaking technology.

More details can be downloaded at this link: