A Career Fair is being organized at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 2 November 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the AIT Conference Center. Organized by AIT’s Career Center, it will feature companies in Thailand as well as overseas companies operating in Thailand. The fair is an opportunity for companies to get exposed to students from 50 plus nationalities studying at AIT.
The companies and organizations that have confirmed so far are: Siam Makro PCL; The Siam Cement PLC (SCG), TEAM Consulting Engineering & Management Co. Ltd., P.R. Recruitment & Business Management Co. Ltd., Gravitech Thai (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Betagro PCL; TOA Paint (Thailand) Co. Ltd, Asian Engineering Consultants Corp. Ltd. (AEC), Christiani & Nielsen (Thai) PCL, Nawarat Patanakarn PCL, Gallup Co. Ltd., Chia Tai Co. Ltd.; Bangkok Produce Merchandising PCL, Zawana Technology Co. Ltd., Magnecomp Precision Technology PCL, PMK Corp. Ltd., Bangkok Glass PCL, Bouygues-Thai Ltd. and Sino-Thai PCL.
A Research Exhibition to showcase prototypes and posters related to students’ research will concurrently be held on this day. You are cordially invited to explore and uncover opportunities offered by the companies that are joining the event.
For more info please call 02-524- 6744 or 02-524- 6326 or email us at careercenter@ait.asia
More details are available at this link