Seminar: The Organizing Imagination

This presentation/seminar is an exploration of alternatives to the classical form of traditional business organizations. The goal is to consider the possibility of creating mutually beneficial organizational structures and processes for achieving a common objective but in an environment characterized as “just.”  How we organize tells us about what we value as much as it tells us about our goals.  It tells us how we distribute power, rewards, and responsibilities. In sum, it also signifies the larger purposes our organizations serve as determined by their enabling laws, regulations, precedents, and current management practice. This presentation/seminar will attempt to showcase possibilities for organizing differently and will also attempt to synthesize our collective ideas about how to create an alternative organizational form reflective of John Rawls’ principles of social justice. 
John Nirenberg has served as a dean, professor, consultant, and writer seeking to uncover the principles that result in eupsychian organizations – psychologically healthy, creative, productive and satisfying workplaces. John is currently a mentor to doctoral students at Walden University, where every dissertation must contribute to positive social change.  He is the author of Global Leadership; Power Tools: A Leader’s Guide to the Latest Management Thinking; and, The Living Organization: Transforming Teams Into Workplace Communities. His articles have appeared in professional and academic journals on five continents. John has lived and worked in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Thailand as an educator and a consultant.  John is currently  editor of the Journal of Social Change, and a Fulbright Specialist.

The Seminar is organized by AIT Extension under its Professional Development Seminar Series.