Seminars/Symposiums @ AIT

Seminars/Symposiums @ AIT

Third International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia
Communications (WPMC '00)

The Telecommunications Program in the School of Advanced Technologies,
together with the Yokosuka Research Park (YRP) R&D; Committee (Japan)
and the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) of the Japanese Ministry
of Post and Telecommunications, are holding the Third International Symposium
on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC '00)
until 15 November
at the Imperial Queen's Park Hotel, Bangkok. The symposium was officially
opened by H.E. Dr. Arthit Ourairat, Minister of Science, Technology and
Environment of Thailand, on 13 November.

Held under the theme 'Seamless Global Personal Multimedia Connectivity',
the symposium includes six special tutorial sessions by highly recognized
lecturers and experts as follows: UMTS/IMT 2000 by Hamid Aghvami of King's College, U.K.; JPEG-2000 and MPEG-7 by K. R. Rao, of the University of Texas at Arlington, USA; Advanced Receivers for CDMA Systems
by Matti Latva-aho and Markku Juntti of the University of Oulu, Finland; Wireless IP
by Fumoio Teroka of Sony Computer Science Labs, Inc., Japan; Agent-Based Service
Provisioning in Cellular Mobile Networks by Jens Hartmann of Ericsson Eurolab
Deutschland GmbH, Germany; and Third Generation Mobile Communications -
Mobility Management and Handover - by Shahram Ghaheri-Niri of the University of Surrey,

There will be 42 technical sessions with over 200 peer-reviewed technical presentations,
two Plenary sessions and a Special Session on mobile IP. Speakers and delegates from
more than 26 countries of the world will be attending the Symposium to share their
expertise in wireless multimedia communications.

The cooperating partners are the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE),
IEEE Communications Society, Institute of Electronics Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE) of Japan, the National Science and Technology Development Agency
(NSTDA), National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), and Miller
Freeman (Thailand) Ltd.; Prof. Pairash Thajchayapong, President of NSTDA, is the General
Chair, while Dr. Kazi Ahmed of AIT is the Organizing Chair.

Celebration of International Education Week and Fulbright 50th Anniversary

A Fulbright Symposium, 'Roles of Environmental Education in the Third Millennium',
will be held on Wednesday, 15 November in observance of International
Education Week and the 50th anniversary of Fulbright. The symposium will be held at AIT,
from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

H.E. Richard E. Hecklinger, US Ambassador to Thailand, and Prof. Jean-Louis
AIT President, will preside over the opening ceremony.

The four plenary session speakers are Prof. Andrew J. Englande, Jr. of the School
of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University in Louisiana, USA, and currently a
Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Public Health
of Mahidol University; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean of AIT's School of Environment,
Resources and Development, Outstanding Scientist of the Year 2000 and a 1974 Fulbright
alumnus, Dr. C. Visvanathan, a faculty member of AIT's Environmental Engineering
Program, and Khun Pranee Pantumsinchai, President of the Environmental Engineering
Association of Thailand.

Prof. Englande will speak on 'Waste Management Approaches for Sustainable Development,'
while Prof. Chongrak and Prof. Visvanathan will address the topic 'Trend of Environmental
Education in Asia.' Khun Pranee will speak on 'Environmental Professions in the Third

A panel discussion/question and answer session will be held after the plenary session.
Visits to AIT's research facilities have also been arranged.

The symposium is open to all students, graduates, working professionals and the interested
public. For further information on the symposium, visit the Fulbright website at

Prof. Kiyoshi Takamasu, an Associate Professor from the Department of Precision Engineering,University of Tokyo will deliver a seminar entitled, 'Development of Novel Coordinate Measuring Machine -Nano-CMM, Nano-Probe, and Parallel CMM.' The seminar will be held on Wednesday, 15 November at 1:30 p.m., in Room 106, Chalerm Prakiat Building.

Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are widely used for the three-dimensional
measurements of workpieces. To resolve the limits and drawbacks of traditional CMMs,
novel systems and key technologies for 21st century CMMs have been developed.
This seminar will three developing projects; 'Nano-CMM project,' 'Nano-Probe' and
'Parallel-CMM project.'

In the Nano-CMM and Nano-Probe project, the intention is to develop the CMM with
anometer resolution to measure three-dimensional positions, orientations and parameters
of three-dimensional features. And, in the Parallel-CMM project, CMM using parallel
mechanisms are developed to measure large machine parts quickly with high accuracy.

CMM (coordinate measuring machine), nano meter measurement, parallel mechanism,
optical sensor.

All interested persons are invited to attend. For further information, contact Dr. Manukid,
ISE Program, at extension 5229.

'Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development', to be delivered by Dr.
Per Henning Nielsen, Associate Professor, Water and Wastewater Engineering/SERD.
The seminar is being organized by the Industrial Systems Engineering Program. It will
be held on Thursday, 16 November at 1:30-3:00 p.m., in room 106, Chalerm Prakiat

Significant improvements of products' overall environmental properties can very often be
achieved by integrating environmental aspects in the development of new products. In
this presentation we will see how life cycle assessment (assessment of products
environmental emissions and resource use from 'cradle to grave') can be used as a
decision tool for the product developer at the concept development stage as well as at
the detailed development stage. Relevant information can be found at

All faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend.

First Hansen Memorial Lecture Series in
Development and Environment

'Asian Food Security and the Potential Role of Modern Agricultural Biotechnology'
to be held on Thursday, 16 November at 3:30 pm.

All Faculty, Staff and Students are invited to attend the 1st Hansen Memorial
Lecture in Development and Environment to be held at the AIT Center Auditorium
on Thursday, 16 November at 3:30 pm. A cocktail reception will follow at 5:30 pm.
A special bus will be arranged which will leave for Bangkok at 6:30 pm. All are invited.

Dr. Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Director General of the International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI) is our first distinguished speaker. A native of Denmark, Dr. Pinstrup-Andersen
is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of food and agriculture. Prior to joining
IFPRI, he was professor of food economics at Cornell University, Director of the Cornell
Food and Nutrition Policy Program, and has also served in various capacities in other
leading universities in the United States. His lecture entitled 'Asian Food Security and the
Potential Role of Modern Agricultural Biotechnology', will focus on the opportunities of
modern biotechnology for accelerating economic growth, enhancing food security and
protecting natural resources in Asia.

The Hansen Memorial Lecture Series was introduced by AIT in honor and memory of
the late Dr. Gunner Kjer Hansen, a Danish seconded faculty at AIT. Dr. Hansen played
a key role in capacity building efforts and forging partnerships between regional
governments and the private sector, and was also instrumental in the development of
the Integrated Watershed Development and Management Program of the Institute.
The full text of the lecture will be distributed during the event.

'Technological Developments, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment: A
Gender Focus' by Dr. Elizabeth A. Ogunlana to be held on Friday, 17 November,
10:30 a.m.-12:00 noontime, Room E108, Academic Bldg.

Dr. Elizabeth Ogunlana is a specialist in sustainable agricultural technology.
She has carried out research on alley farming, a sustainable agricultural technology
for improving crops and livestock production. She has studied the adoption of alley
farming by men and women farmers in Southwestern Nigeria. Her other research
interests include rural development, entrepreneurship, empowerment, women in
agriculture, poverty alleviation and grassroots participation.

Sustainable agriculture is now a major international issue which links increased
agricultural production and environmental protection. Although it is a necessity to
increase agricultural production, many agricultural technologies have side effects,
which are detrimental to the environment. Men and women in the agricultural sector
therefore have an important task to provide more food and at the same time utilize
technologies that can conserve and enhance natural resources, and are compatible
to societal values.

All students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in the seminar.

AIT's Industry Fair will feature business, industrial and government entitites

The AIT Industry Fair will be held on Thursday, 23 November, featuring booths and
exhibitions by business and industrial companies, government organizations and
other entities.

The AIT Industry Fair is an opportunity for guests and all participating exhibitors to
develop contacts, build professional relationships and secure job placements.

Further information can be obtained from the following persons: Dr. Anila,
tel. 524-5006 or (01) 813-9206, e-mail:; Khun Chantana, e-mail:; Ms. Carla, e-mail: e-mail:, fax. 524-6366.