Seminars, Conferences & Workshop @ AIT


1-5, 8-12 and 15-19 July, AIT Centre Room B115: Electric Power System Management (EPSM) FoS, SERD workshop on 'Power System Planning, Operation and Management.'

Electric Power System Management (EPSM) FoS is organizing a
a medium-term training workshop this month on POWER SYSTEM PLANNING, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT consisting of three modules: (i) Power System Planning and Analysis (July 1-5, 2002), (ii) Power System operation and control (July 8-12, 2002), (iii) Power System Management Under Deregulation (July 15-19, 2002). The seminar is organized by the Energy Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development, AIT.

Interested persons may attend one or more specific modules. The working language of workshop is English and will be held AIT Centre Room B115.

The workshop will benefit Engineers, Researchers who deal with design,
planning,operation, and management works in power utilities, SPP, IPP
and Institutions. The main topics covered in the workshop will be:

Module 1: Power System Planning & Analysis (July 1-5, 2002)

  • Power System Planning & Analysis - An Introduction
  • Fundamentals of Power System Analysis
  • Modelling of Power System Components
  • Power System Transmission & Distribution Planning
  • Organization and Finance of Power Utility
  • Load Flow Analysis
  • Distribution Load Flow
  • Transient Stability Analysis
  • Small Signal Stability
  • Transient Analysis of HVDC Line
  • Introduction to EMTP/PSCAD
  • Laboratory Sessions on Load Flow, Transient Stability
    Analysis, Power System Stability Design, and EMTPDC/PSCAD

Module 2: Power System Operation & Control (July 8-12, 2002)

  • Architecture & Functions of Energy Management Systems
  • Load Frequency Control
  • Economic Load Dispatch and OPF
  • State Estimation/Distribution Automation
  • Power System Security
  • Power Quality
  • Unit Commitment
  • Load Forecasting
  • Voltage Stability- Fundamentals
  • Voltage Stability- Monitoring & Control
  • Sub-synchronous Resonance
  • Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
  • Laboratory Sessions on OPF, Unit Commitment, Voltage Stability
  • Field Visit to EGAT Planning Division and Control Center

Module 3: Power System Management under Deregulation (July 15-19, 2002)

  • Introduction to Power System Deregulation
  • International Experiences
  • Distributed Generation
  • Thailand Restructuring Plan
  • Thailand Future Generation
  • Power System Restructuring Models
  • Trading Arrangements
  • Roles and Responsibilities of ISO
  • Market Power
  • Transmission Pricing
  • Available Transfer Capacity
  • Congestion Management
  • Ancillary Services
  • AGC in Deregulated Market
  • Visit of Bangpakong Power Plant and Training Center.

The participants will be given the opportunity to attend the lectures
and computer simulation practices, which will lead them to find out
practical problems encounter in power system planning, operation and
management and to find out possible solutions. Field trips to power
stations are also planned.

For attendees from government agencies, state enterprises, or
universities, the registration fee is 10,000 Baht/module. For students,
the registration fee is 8,000 Baht/module.

For further information please call: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, EPSM Coordinator Energy Program, SERD, AIT, Tel: +66-2524-5421, +66-2524-5437. Fax: +66-2524-5439

Thursday, 4 July, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noontime, Room S-101, SERD Building: 'Hopf Bifurcation Control and Indices for Power System with Interacting Generator and FACTS Controllers' Seminar.

The seminar will be conducted by Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Power system oscillations, especially electromechanical oscillations, have been a major concern in power system planning and operation. Given the characteristics and nature of these oscillations, these problems can be studied well using Hopf bifurcation theory, which describes the onset of an oscillatory problem in nonlinear systems.

This research work presents two indices to predict and detect oscillatory problem in power systems using Hopf bifurcations; one of them is preferred as an on-line operational tool due to its higher computational speed. Application of these indices on several test power systems, including the IEEE 50-machines test system, is also included to demonstrate the usefulness of the indices. Simulation results indicate that the indices are smooth and fairly linear with respect to the loading factor of the system.

It also clearly demonstrates the direct association between electromechanical oscillations and Hopf bifurcations in power systems. The amelioration of the oscillation problem or Hopf bifurcation from the generator side, using PSS controllers, and from the transmission side, using FACTS controllers, is studied in detail. A new placement technique for a shunt-FACTS controller for the purpose of oscillation damping is also proposed.

The increasing trend in the number of FACTS controllers used in power systems could lead to some undesirable interactions between FACTS and power system controllers or among FACTS controllers. The importance of and tools needed to study this problem are demonstrated in a test system through the analysis of a negative interaction leading to an oscillatory unstable condition.

Tuesday, 9 July 2002, 2:30-3:30 p.m. in room E206, SERD Building: The School of Environment, Resources and Development, UEEM Program will organize a special lecture on 'Surfactant-based Microemulsion Systems for Soil Remediation and Solvent Replacement: From Concept to Application.' The lecture will be conducted by Prof. D. A. Sabatini, Sun Oil Company Chair and Associate Director, The Institute for Applied Surfactant Research, The University of Oklahoma, USA


Soil and aquifer remediation is frequently limited by contaminants strongly sorbed to and/or capillary-bound in the soil. Surfactant-enhanced soil remediation is an innovative technology for overcoming these limitations and thus expediting soil cleanup. Petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents are common contaminants in soil and aquifer systems. Remediation of these hydrocarbons can be expedited by enhanced solubilization, using surfactant micellar systems, or by physical displacement (mobilization), resulting from ultra-low interfacial tension, middle phase microemulsion systems. For chlorinated solvents, vertical migration concerns limit the use of middle phase microemulsions - for this application we utilize a hybrid system (super-solubilization), which maximizes the solubility enhancement while minimizing the potential for vertical migration. Economic analyses demonstrate that maximizing solubility enhancement, minimizing surfactant losses and reusing the surfactant stream are critical to the viability of the solubilization and mobilization technologies. This presentation will discuss each of these fundamental issues, with an emphasis on surfactant properties critical to success. Our group has conducted more than ten field studies to date; select results will be presented to demonstrate how we have successfully addressed each of the critical areas mentioned above. Results from these field studies demonstrate the viability and robustness of this technology for a wide range of contaminant matrices and geological settings, and illustrate the exciting potential of this innovative technology.

18 - 19 July 2002: 'Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites'

The Asian Center for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG) of the School of Civil Engineering (SCE), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will be conducting a Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering from 18 to 19 July 2002. The main speaker is Dr. Julie Shang who is coming on sabbatical to AIT from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She is an expert on soil contamination and remediation. She will be assisted by Dr. J. Takemura from Japan and Dr. U. Glawe from Germany, both of them are currently faculty members of AIT. Also joining our international speakers include Prof. K. Czurda of Karlsruhe Technical University in Germany, Dr. B. K. Tan of University Kabangsaan Malaysia and Dr. Y.J. Du of Saga University in Japan.

The topic of this Seminar is currently 'hot topic' regarding the 'Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites'. Besides participants from private consulting and construction companies as well as academics, we also have participants from concerned government agencies such as the Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Industry, Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Etc.

The Registration fees of Bt4,000 include lunch and coffee for 2 days. Student registration fee is Bt500, which does not include lunch.

For information please contact:
Prof. D. T. Bergado, Director, Asian Center for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG), School of Civil Engineering. Tel: (66) 02 524 5512, 02 524 5500 or 02 524 5864 (Thai information) Fax: (66) 02 524 5509, 02 516 2126

August 7-9, 2002 at the Shangri-La Hotel:
MAP ASIA 2002 Conference

MAP ASIA 2002 Conference is the 1st Asian International conference and exhibition organized in the field of mapping technologies like Geographic Information Systems, Global
Positioning System, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing. This conference will provide a congenial platform for the Asian regional cooperation of geoinformatics education besides, spatial database generation, collation and dissemination. Regional cooperation is the need of the hour and this conference will provide the stage wherefrom every country in this region can work and grow together in the field of geoinformatics.

MAP ASIA 2002 Conference provides an opportunity to various researchers and technology developers to share their experiences for the benefit of all in the field. It also provides an
opportunity to learn and know about the latest developments in the field with regard to technology and its applications.

Application Oriented Sessions

  • Digital Photogrammetry
  • Utility and Tourism
  • Coastal Zone Management
  • GPS & Mapping
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Digital Image Analysis
  • Land Information System
  • Disaster Management
  • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Business Geographics
  • Earth Observation Systems

Registration Fee

Category US$ IndianRs./Thai Baht
Regular 100 4000
Speaker 100 4000
Student 50 2000

Special Rates for AIT:

Student 1000 Baht only
Faculty& Staff 2000 Baht only

Interested persons may submit their paper before 30 June 2002

For further information please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Nitin Tripathi
Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics
Space Technology Applications Research Program
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box #4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120 THAILAND
Tel: 66-2-524-6392 Fax: 66-2-524-5597