Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at AIT
March 31, 2003, 10:00 a.m., Room E212: As part of the advancement to candidacy examination,
Mr. Chamawong Suriyachan (UEP027153), a UEM doctoral student will give a seminar
entitled Decentralized Wastewater Management for Sustainable Community Development:
A Case Study of Bangkok, Thailand.
April 9-11, 2003: A short term training workshop on 'Demand Side Management and
Distribution Automation'will be organized by Electric Power System Management, AIT
The main topics that will be covered are as follows:
- Demand side management options
- DSM programs in Thailand
- DSM implementation issues and challenges
- Introduction to power quality
- Power quality improvement devices and their demonstration
- Distribution load flow and state estimation
- Introduction to distribution automation
- Components and architecture of DA systems
- Remote terminal units and communication system
- Master DA and application software
- DA system implementation & testing
- Demonstration of DA system
Resource persons:
Prof. Surapong C., AIT
Dr. Weerakorn O., AIT
Dr. Mithulananthan N., AIT
Prof. S.C. Srivastava, IIT-Kanpur, India
Mr. R. P. Gupta, IIT-Kanpur, India
Dr. Jovitha J., SIIT, Thammasat U., Thailand
Dr. Bundit L., SIIT, Thammasat U., Thailand
Mr. Terry Chandler, Power Quality Inc.
The registration fee is US$175 (THB7,000) per participant. For
attendees from government agencies, state enterprises, or universities,
the registration fee is US$150 (THB6,000). Accommodation can be arranged at AIT Conference Center or hotel near AIT upon request of participant.
The details of the workshop and registration form can be downloaded at: