Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

17 September 2004: Computer Science & Information Management (CSIM) Seminar on Incentive-Compatible Social Choice. The seminar will be conducted by Professor Boi Faltings, Director, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and will be held at 3:30 pm in room 209, CS Building

Many situations present a social choice problem where different
self-interested agents have to agree on joint, coordinated decisions. For
example, power companies have to agree on how to use the power grid, and
airlines have to agree on how to schedule takeoffs and landings.

Mechanisms for social choice are called incentive-compatible when
cooperative behavior is optimal for all parties. The most well-known
examples of incentive-compatible mechanisms are auctions. However, the
party that receives the auction revenue has an incentive to manipulate the
outcome to increase the revenue. For example, a power grid operator has an
interest to reduce capacity and drive up prices.

In this seminar, Professor Boi Faltings will present a novel mechanism for social choice that is incentive-compatible without generating a payment surplus. I give several examples of applications where it solves the social choice problem without unwanted incentives, and provides significantly better overall utility than any other known mechanism. He will also discuss how such mechanisms could be used to improve social choice problems using multi-agent systems.

For further information on Professor Boi Faltings please visit:

23-24 September 2004: DANIDA-AIT Workshop on Human Resource Development in Integrated Land and Water Resource Management

AIT in cooperation with the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida), is organizing
a workshop on Human Resource Development in Integrated Land and Water Resources Management.

The workshop -- to be held at AIT Conference Center -- aims to explore the skills and knowledge needs in the broader area of water and land management in the region.

The expected outputs of the workshop are:

  • Better understanding of the development needs of the region particularly related to water and land management
  • Development of direct linkages for AIT's involvement with Danida funded projects/programs in the region
  • Development of joint collaborative activitives on capacity building in the region

Each participant is expected to present a summary of his/her program/project activities during the workshop. The presentations would include the need of capacity building in land & water management.

Interested persons may contact:
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O.Box-4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120
Tel: +662 524 5569
Fax: +662 524 5223

13-15 October 2004: Regional
Renewable Energy Technology Transfer Workshop
will be held at the AIT Conference
Center. The event will be conducted by the RETs in Asia Programme, Energy FoS, SERD.

The workshop aims to transfer the designs of a few renewable energy devices developed by thirteen institutes from six Asian countries and AIT under a regional programme funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in order to promote commercialization of these devices.

The workshop is particularly targeted towards private entrepreneurs/companies, NGOs, and key
government officials responsible for promotion of renewable energy systems.

Interested persons may contact: Prof. S.C. Bhattacharya, Coordinator and Principal Investigator, RETs in
Asia Programme Energy FoS, School of Environment, Resources & Development. Tel: (+66) (2) 524
5403, 524 5440. Fax: 524 5439/ 516 2126. E-mail:

22 October 2004: Workshop on Urban Safety for Sustainable Urbanization from Experiences of Japan will be held at the RCC Auditorium. The workshop organized by RNUS, SCE will be conducted by the following speakers: Prof. Taketo Uomoto will speak on Maintenance and management of urban infrastructure in Japan to decrease risk of injury to public; Prof. Reiko Amano will speak on Water Screen Fire Disaster Prevention System in Underground Space and Prof. Kimiro Meguro will speak on Universal Disaster Simulator towards earthquake disaster mitigation in Japanese cities

Over half of the world's population is concentrated in urban areas covering just 4% of the world's surface. Mega cities in particular are characterized by a high population density and tremendous pressure on supporting infrastructure. It is estimated that by 2015, Asia will be host to more than 50% of the mega cities in the world. A phenomenal growth in the number of high-rise buildings and other infrastructure in these cities is clearly foreseen, though a balance is often not ensured with measures for their maintenance. Safety of infrastructure is foremost important for sustainable urbanization and
economic development in Asia.

In this workshop, three prominent academicians from the University of Tokyo, Japan will deliver talks on how urban safety issues are addressed in highly urbanized Japanese cities. Various issues related to durability of urban infrastructure with proper safety measures including measures against disasters like earthquake and fires with the conventional and new technologies will be addressed in the presentations.

About the Speakers
Prof. Taketo Uomoto is the Director and Professor of the International Center for Urban Safety Engineering (ICUS), the University of Tokyo. He has been working in the field of research and development of FRP reinforcement since 1980. His interest lies in developing new methods for improving durability of concrete. Most of his works are related to deterioration mechanism, and inspection and preventive methods against deterioration of concrete structures. His recent research is focused on development of a new system for high quality shotcrete for tunnel lining and establishment of Asian Model Code of Concrete Structure.

Prof. Reiko Amano is a Visiting Professor of ICUS, University of Tokyo and Deputy General Manager of the Kajima Corporation, Tokyo. She has been working for Kajima Corporation since 1980. Her specialization is in design of different types of bridges. She has been engaged in developments of various types of bridges using latest (Pre-stressed Concrete technology as a designer, a researcher and a construction manager. In 1986, one of her main works, Birdie Bridge, a stressed-ribbon type bridge using the composite material with concrete and FRP, received Tanaka Award from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

Prof. Kimiro Meguro is an Associate Professor of ICUS, the University of Tokyo. His major is urban safety and earthquake disaster mitigation engineering. After receiving Ph. D from the University of Tokyo, he joined INCEDE of the University of Tokyo in 1991. Based on many disaster site investigations, he has been developing a disaster reduction strategy by appropriately balancing the structural countermeasures and the non-structural countermeasures. He has been also doing grass-root type of activities for earthquake disaster reduction in developing countries. Dr. Meguro is very active in international activities. He has been serving for last several years as one of the Directors of the World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI), which is an undertaking of the International Association of Earthquake Engineering (IAEE).

1-3 December 2004: Second International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Symposium is organized by the Asian Institute of Technology branch in Vietnam (AITVN) and The University of Tokyo (UT), in cooperation with Southeast Asian Center on Water Environment Technology (SACWET), a joint center of UT and AIT. The Symposium is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan through Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology.

The Symposium aims to provide a forum for discussion and exchange among researchers/practitioners in Environmental Technology and Management and related areas from the Asian Region and to promote interaction among researchers from Asia-Pacific countries, Japan, the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. Through the Symposium, participants will hopefully find a strong network or partnership with active local change agents will be established, and our colleagues in Southeast Asia will learn more from the experts of other countries to protect the environment of the region.

Focus of the Symposium

The Symposium is focused on the following topics:

  • Conservation of natural aquatic ecosystems
  • Symbiosis with agriculture and aquaculture
  • Industrial/agricultural development and water management
  • Threats to ground water
  • Environmental infrastructure management
  • Urban development and coastal zone management
  • Social aspects

Call for papers and deadlines

Manuscripts for oral and poster presentations should be prepared according to the format specified at: