Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

2 November 2004: NASA/NOAA Electronic Theater: Earth Science Observations and Visualizations from space in a historical perspective by Dr. Arthur Frederick Hasler, Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. The seminar will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the AIT Center Auditorium


The NASA/NOAA Electronic Theater presents Earth science observations and visualizations from space in a historical perspective. Fly in from outer space
to the Far East and down to Beijing and Bangkok. Zooms through the Cosmos to the site of the 2004 Summer Olympic games in Athens using 1 m IKONOS 'Spy Satellite' data. Contrast the 1972 Apollo 17 'Blue Marble' image of the Earth with the latest US and International global satellite images that allow us to view our Planet from any vantage point. See the latest spectacular images from NASA/NOAA
remote sensing missions like Terra, GOES, TRMM, SeaWiFS, & Landsat 7, of typhoons/hurricanes and fires in California and around the planet. See how High
Definition Television (HDTV) is revolutionizing the way we do science communication. Take the pulse of the planet on a daily, annual and 30-year time scale. See daily thunderstorms, the annual greening of the northern hemisphere land masses and oceans, fires in Africa, dust storms in Iraq, and carbon monoxide exhaust from global burning. See visualizations featured on Newsweek, TIME, National Geographic, Popular Science covers & National & International Network TV. Spectacular new global visualizations of the observed and simulated atmosphere & oceans are shown. See the currents and vortexes in the oceans that bring up the nutrients to feed tiny plankton and draw the fish, whales and fishermen. See the how the ocean blooms in response to El Nino (BH climate changes. The Etheater will be presented using the latest High Definition TV (HDTV) and video projection technology on a large screen. See the global city lights, showing population concentrations in the US, Africa, and Asia observed by the 'night-vision' DMSP satellite.

About the Speaker

Dr. Hasler has studied at the Universities of Wisconsin and Munich earning a B. S. in Applied Math & Engineering Physics, as well as MS and Ph.D. degrees in Meteorology. He has spent most of his 40-year professional career at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center after terms at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder and the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique in Paris. He as also spent considerable time at the DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen Germany and in SLC on assignment during the 2002 Olympics. His research has involved estimation of winds using satellite imagery. He has 45 scientific papers describing his research. In recent years Hasler has been primarily involved in visualization for scientific analysis and public outreach and production of HDTV movies like the one that won the prestigious SIGGRAPH 2004 Etheater animation award. Dr. Hasler is famous for his visualization of severe weather events that have appeared in scientific and popular literature and on television such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CBC, THE WEATHER CHANNEL, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC & French TV, as well as on the covers of National Geographic, TIME, Popular Science, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, the Weekly Reader, and in the TIME/LIFE Collection of Great Photographs of the 20th Century. He has developed the NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater and has taken it on tour across US, Europe, South Africa, Australia/New Zealand, and Japan. Dr. Hasler has received numerous honors and awards including the NASA/GSFC Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, and Excellence in Outreach Award.

All students, faculty and staff are most welcome.

2 November 2004: 'Chaos in Computer Simulation of Growth Processes' ISE seminar will be conducted by Prof. Hugo Pastijn, Dept. of Mathematics, Royal Military Academy, Belgium. The seminar will be held at 2:00 p.m., in room IE-115, Chalerm Prakiat Building.

The seminar will be continued by a 15 minute-presentation on 'Chaos in Design' by Ms. Somlak Wannarumon, a Doctoral Student in DME field, at the same room.

Abstract (of the first seminar):
After a short biography of P. F. Verhulst in which the link with the Royal Military Academy and the University of Ghent in Belgium is emphasized, the early history of the so-called 'Logistic Model' is described. The relationship with older growth
models is discussed, and the motivation of Verhulst to introduce different kinds of limited growth models is presented in a historic perspective. The discovery of the chaotic behaviour of the discrete version of the logistic model is illustrated by means of computer experiments. The relationship of the logistic model with other one-peaked recurrence functions is made.
Milestones in the theory of chaos are illustrated by means of the logistic growth model. Finally the chaotic behaviour of growth models, used to describe the evolution of technological innovation, is discussed and illustrated by means of computer simulations.

All ISE students are expected to attend. Others are most welcome.

3 November 2004: 'General Motors' Marketing Strategy in Thailand' special seminar will be held at 2:00-3:30 PM in SOM Amphitheater. The event is organized by SOM, the General Motors Thailand Limited, and the Asian Wall Street Journal. The guest speaker will be Mr. William S. Botwick, Executive Director GM ASEAN Operations and President General Motors Thailand Limited.

Interested persons are invited.

About the speaker
Mr. William S. Botwick, President of GM Thailand and Chevrolet Sales Thailand, is named as Executive Director of ASEAN, General Motors Asia Pacific and President & Managing Director for General Motors (GM) Thailand on June 27, 2001. GM's ASEAN operation headquarters is located in Thailand.

In these roles, he oversees all areas of GM operations in the ASEAN, including the advanced manufacturing operations at the GM Thailand Assembly Center in Rayong Province, export and domestic sales, marketing, and aftersales service, as well as operations in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore.

8 - 10 November 2004: Annual Review Workshop, Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II)

The Environmental Engineering and Management Program0, SERD will organize a Workshop on 'Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II).'

The 'Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology Phase II (ARRPET II)', coordinated by AIT, is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). ARRPET II involves 18 National Research Institutions (NRIs) in 8 Asian countries, namely, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The program's major research themes include: Wastewater Treatment and Management, Environmental Sustainable Solid Waste Landfill Management in Asia, Integrated Control and Management to Improve Air Quality in Selected Asian Developing Countries and Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment and Management.

Over 25 Researchers from 8 different Asian countries are expected to attend this event. This workshop aims assessing the progress of the project activities during the last year. Officials from Sida as well as Experts from Sweden are also expected to take part in the proceedings of this workshop.

For further details, please contact Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre (EEM), # 5644.

17-19 November 2004: International Symposium on 'Globalization and Construction 2004'. The event, organized by SCE and the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) will be held at the AIT Conference Center.

For further information please visit, Website:

30 November - 3 December 2004: Renewable Generation and Cogeneration for Rural Electrification training workshop. The event is sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), organized by the Electric Power System Management (EPSM) FoS, SERD and supported by the EC-ASEAN COGEN Programme III.

Renewable Generation and Cogeneration for Rural Electrification
Electricity is a basic need for the social and economic development of a nation and providing it in the economical and secured way to the rural and urban consumers is a challenging task. Rural electrification, which is required huge investment, is thus an important concern in Asian electric power utilities. Renewable generation and cogeneration are new options being promoted to solve rural electrification problems along with the some other problems of urban distribution systems. The issues such as system capacity investments, grid expansions, etc. also benefit through renewable generation and cogeneration. There is a great need of training and education on renewable generation and cogeneration technologies to the utility officials and investors of power projects for proper understanding of the subject matters. The knowledge on importance of rural electrification, availability of resources, feasibility of applying renewable generation and cogeneration and benefits of rural electrification are essential to policy makers, planners, managers, investors, etc.

The training workshop is focused on renewable generation and cogeneration for rural electrification. It will discuss the issues related to rural electrification concentrating through alternate energy resources over applicability and economics of rural electrification and of renewable generation and cogeneration projects.

Participants in the event will be given the opportunity to attend the lectures and discussions related to rural electrification, renewable generation and cogeneration. Also it will be a great opportunity to share related experiences of participants from different utilities of different countries.

Who should attend?
Electric power utility staff of both technical and management disciplines, personnel from electric manufacturing and R&D; organizations, policy makers, and academia will find this workshop beneficial. Those who are interested in small-scale power projects will also benefited in this workshop. Interested persons are advised to contact in advance.

The main topics which will be covered in the training program are:

  • Integrated Resource Planning and Renewable Energy in Thailand
  • Load Forecasting
  • Voltage Drop and Loss Reduction in Distribution System
  • Biomass Energy Generation for Rural Electrification
  • Biomass Cogeneration Technologies
  • Cogeneration Project Development
  • Financial Issues of Cogeneration Projects
  • Environmental Benefits of Biomass Cogeneration
  • Successful Biomass Cogeneration Case Studies
  • Wind Distributed Generation
  • Fuel Cell Powered Distributed Generation
  • Solar-Thermal Power Generation
  • Photovoltaic (PV) Generation
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Thailand
  • SPP, VSPP and Renewable Energy Policy in Thailand
  • Technical visit to Advance Agro PLC

Interested persons are advised to contact:

Weerakorn Ongssakul
EPSM, Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang

Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

Tel: (66-2) 524-5437, 524-6219

Fax: (66-2) 524-6589



1-3 December 2004: Second International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Symposium is organized by the Asian Institute of Technology branch in Vietnam (AITVN) and The University of Tokyo (UT), in cooperation with Southeast Asian Center on Water Environment Technology (SACWET), a joint center of UT and AIT. The Symposium is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan through Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology.

The Symposium aims to provide a forum for discussion and exchange among researchers/practitioners in Environmental Technology and Management and related areas from the Asian Region and to promote interaction among researchers from Asia-Pacific countries, Japan, the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. Through the Symposium, participants will hopefully find a strong network or partnership with active local change agents will be established, and our colleagues in Southeast Asia will learn more from the experts of other countries to protect the environment of the region.

Focus of the Symposium

The Symposium is focused on the following topics:

  • Conservation of natural aquatic ecosystems
  • Symbiosis with agriculture and aquaculture
  • Industrial/agricultural development and water management
  • Threats to ground water
  • Environmental infrastructure management
  • Urban development and coastal zone management
  • Social aspects

Call for papers and deadlines

Manuscripts for oral and poster presentations should be prepared according to the format specified at:

Paper for oral presentations should be submitted to:
E-mail: by August 15, 2004 and all applicants will receive an acknowledgment via e-mail upon submission of the manuscript. The corresponding author will be informed of the result of the review by mid September.

Paper for poster presentations should be submitted by September 30, 2004.
For applicants from Vietnam, please submit/contact directly to:

Asian Institute of Technology Center in Vietnam-AITCV
21 Le Thanh Tong

Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-825 3493
Fax: 84-4-825 3658

Further details regarding submission procedure and registration can be viewed at:

11-13 January 2005: 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering will be held at the AIT Conference Center.

The role of food processing technology and engineering in the economic development need not be overemphasized. Food science, technology and engineering (FS&E;) have been at the very core of numerous development and achievements to make a wide variety of foods available year around in palatable, nutritious, aesthetically packaged, in terms of appearance, functionality, storability, nutrition, and economic viability of innovative processes and modern food products.

Realizing the concepts, putting in practice and reaping the harvest through successful marketing. The role of FS&E; has been indispensable in not only making the necessary tools available but in review of new developments in food processing technology and engineering along with dissemination of relevant information among scientists, engineers, technologists and other professionals.

Technical Program: The technical program will include plenary and keynote lectures, parallel lectures and poster sessions.

Original contributors, case histories, of actual industrial operations, state-of-the-art papers, and commercial information on the following subjects are invited.

  • Food processing technology
  • Physical properties of foods
  • Thermal processing and preservation
  • Non-thermal processing
  • Food safety
  • Food packaging
  • Nutraceutical and functional foods
  • Postharvest preservation and processing
  • Novel technologies in food handling, processing and transport
  • Information technology applications in food industry
  • Automation in food industry
  • Food processing wastes

Please keep on visiting web site for conference updates

Preliminary Registration: Contributions will be presented as keynote lectures, lectures or posters. The Technical Committee will make final decisions on the acceptance and allocation to oral or poster presentations. The abstract, not exceeding more than 300-400 words, should clearly indicate the objectives, brief methodology and conclusions.

The last date for the submission of abstracts is July 31, 2004. However, abstract received after the deadline will not be included in the proceedings but still be considered for presentation.

Application Form and Summary: Registration form and Summary in MS-Word format can be obtained by visiting:

For further information please contact:

Miss Tasana Sa-id
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 524 5488
Fax: (66-2) 524 6200

6 - 10 June 2005:
International Conference on 'Modeling Tools for Environment and Resources Management (MTERM)'. The conference will be coordinated by the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) FoS staff in cooperation with the faculty members of the Modeling Tools for Environment and Resources Management (MTERM) and will be held at the AIT Conference Center.

Interested persons are invited to submit their research/technical papers related but not limited to the broader themes listed as follows:

  • Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Modeling of Water Resources
  • Water Quality Management and Modeling
  • Air Pollution Modeling

A two-day pre-conference training workshop on 'Governance of Transboundary Waters' will also be conducted in collaboration with 'The Universities Partnership for Transboundary Waters' (

For further information and details please visit For other enquiries please e-mail:</a