Food, bio process technology conference planned for December 2006

Food, bio process technology conference planned for December 2006

The Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology field of study, School of Environment, Resources and Development, is organizing an International Conference on Innovations in Food and Bio Process Technology from 12 to 14 December 2006.

With the growing economy, domestic and international demands for high quantity and quality foods in the Asia-Pacific region are increasing, leading to a rapid growth in food processing industries. Food safety issues, traceability, rapid detections methods and treated foods have arisen during this period. This requires greater understanding of food processing operations for ensuring high quality and safety of foods as well as better utilization of existing technologies and adoption of new innovative technologies.

The conference will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the current and new developments in food and bioprocess technologies along with the dissemination of relevant information among scientists, engineers, technologists and other professionals in the Asia Pacific region.

The Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology program has organized two international conferences on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering since 2000. For the first time, this year's conference will also be incorporating the role of bioprocess technologies in the food industry.

Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Prof. Athapol Noomhorn, Dr. Binod K. Yadav and Dr. M. Shrinivas Rao comprise the organizing committee.

For further information go to: or contact Dr. Yadav, Ext. 5450 or e-mail: