Orientation Program

Time and Date: 10 August 2012, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Venue: AITCC Auditorium

Master of Ceremony: Prof. Gabor Louis Hornyak

Morning Session (10:00 am – 12:00 noon)

I. 10:00 – 10:30 am
• Welcome address by Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President
• Address by Prof. I.M. Pandey, Vice President for Academic Affairs
• Brief Remarks by the School Deans (SERD, SET and SOM)
• Brief Remarks by the AIT Student Union President

II. 10:30 – 12:00 am
• Academic Quality by Center For Learning Innovation and Quality
- Prof. Gabor Louis Hornyak, Director, CLIQ

Afternoon Session (1:30 – 4:00 pm)

• Student Code of Conduct and Ethical Behavior
- AIT Harassment Policy by Dr. Donyapruet Krairit, Chair-Gender Equality Committee
- Student Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards by Ms. Laarni B. Roa, Coordinator, Registry

• Academic Requirements, Languages and Student Welfare
- Academic Requirements and Practices by Ms. Laarni B. Roa, Coordinator, Registry
- Language Center Services and the English Language Requirements by Mr. Matthew Laszewski, Director, Language Center
- Student Welfare, Placement and Counseling Services / Medical Services by Ms. Joan Carla Gonzales, Coordinator, Student Affairs Unit & Career Center@AIT

• Other Services
- Student Accommodation and Facility Management by Operations Director, Sodexo
- Educational Visa and Government Relations Services by Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator, Government Relations Unit
- Laptop Subsidy, Computing & Network Facilities/Services and Internet Ethics by Mr. Olivier Nicole, AIT IT Committee
- Use of SIS by Mr. Tony Guirnela, Netlink

A copy of the program can be downloaded from this link.