Seminar on “The WILD project: Multi-scale, Multi-surface, and Multi-user Interaction”

About the speaker: Dr. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon is a Professor at the Université Paris-Sud in France, and a leading researcher in the domain of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). He will deliver a presentation of some of his recent research, including the WILD project, "the largest high-resolution wall display in the world."

Abstract: WILD focuses on interaction, providing users with a 3D real-time motion capture system, multi-touch tabletop displays and other devices. Unlike other wall-sized displays, users will be able to interact and collaborate directly, to both visualize and manipulate heterogeneous data sets.

Multi-scale Interaction lets users navigate through large and complex datasets by visualizing them at different scales. The high-resolution wall affords multi-scale interaction through simple locomotion: approaching the wall reveals details. Motion tracking will enable us to design new visualization and navigation techniques that use full-body motion to control scale.

Multi-surface Interaction manages data displayed on multiple surfaces such as the wall, tabletop display, and mobile devices (PDAs, iPod Touch, mobile phones, etc.). A key issue is to provide efficient techniques to help users transfer information seamlessly from one surface to another. The motion tracking system will offer a unique opportunity to investigate new multi-surface interaction techniques.

Multi-user Interaction supports users collaborating to achieve a task, users interacting simultaneously on the same dataset, and the exchange of data among users. WILD will focus on collaborative interactions involving multiple display and input surfaces. Typical situations include two users working on the same dataset, one sitting at the table with a global view of the wall display, the other standing closer to the wall, getting detailed information about a region of the screen.

More details are available at these links:

Prof. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon:
WILD Project:
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique: