Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled

Doctoral comprehensive examinations scheduled
Mrs. Kwannate Sombatsompop (WWD019286), a candidate for the degree of
Doctor of Technical Science in the Environmental Engineering and
Management field of study, School of Environment, Resources and
Development will have her final examination on Thursday, 10 May 2007 at
8:00 a.m. in Rm. W117 (EEM Seminar Room), Academic Building.

9 April: Doctoral comprehensive examination

9 April: Doctoral comprehensive examination

Mr. Sukon Puntunan (MTC027311), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Mechatronics field of study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET), will have his comprehensive examination on
Monday, 9 April 2007, 09:00 a.m. in Rm 234 (Chalerm Prakiat Building). His dissertation's title is Development and Control of an Autonomous Flying Robot.

14-16 May 2007: IntERLab’s “VoIP & SIP” hands-on training

14-16 May 2007: IntERLab's 'VoIP & SIP' hands-on training

The Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab), AIT, will organize a 3-day "VoIP & SIP" hands-on training at intERLab training center. The details are as follows:

"VoIP & SIP" Hands-on Training
Date: 14 - 16 May 2007
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: intERLab Training Center, AIT, Thailand
Class Size: 25 participants (max.

25 April: UEM Seminar on water resources management

25 April: UEM Seminar on water resources management

A Seminar on 'A Comparative study of Water Resources Management in Georgetown, Malaysia and Pattaya, Thailand with Emphasis on Households, Hotels and Gender' by Prof. Ngai Weng Chan, a Visiting Professor, Urban Environmental Management, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will be held on Wednesday, 25 April 2007, from 1:00-3:00 p.m., at room S101. All interested persons are invited to attend.

11 April: A special lecture on “Water Knowledge Initiative for Asia-Europe Collaboration”

The AIT community are invited to attend the first lecture of a series of lectures by leading figures in the area of water, organized by Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein, AIT Vice President for Development and Resources. The lecture on "Water Knowledge Initiative for Asia-Europe Collaboration" will be given by Professor Michael Barry Abbott on 11 April from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Milton E. Bender Auditorium.

26 April: Brainstorming meeting for AIT alumni staff members

All AIT alumni who are staff members of the institute are invited to attend an important brainstorming meeting on 26 April 2007, 2:00-4:30 p.m., at the Milton E. Bender Jr. Auditorium, AIT. Organized by Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein

, AIT Vice President for Development and Resources, the event will feature open discussions on the roles and participation of AIT alumni in the Golden Jubilee Fundraising Campaign 2007-2009. This meeting will be the basis for organizing an "Alumni Homecoming Orientation Seminar" to be held in June 2007.

Alumni are asked to confirm participation for the 26 April Brainstorming Meeting, which will by co-chaired by Prof.

5 April: Decision Meeting

AIT President Said Irandoust invites the AIT community to attend a Decision Meeting which will be held on 5 April 2007, from 1 p.m., at the Milton Bender Jr. Auditorium at which the below issues will be considered:

Proposed Policy on Grades for Repeated Courses
Removal of One-Third Ceiling for Faculty, Honoraria-Paying Activity, Fund Allocation etc.

5 April: Decision Meeting

5 April: Decision Meeting

AIT President Said Irandoust invites the AIT community to attend a Decision Meeting which will be held on 5 April 2007, from 1 p.m., at the Milton Bender Jr. Auditorium at which the below issues will be considered:

Proposed Policy on Grades for Repeated Courses
Removal of One-Third Ceiling for Faculty, Honoraria-Paying Activity, Fund Allocation etc.