An overview of current activities in Thailand's microelectronics industry will feature in discussions at the third AIT-NECTEC workshop on MICROELECTRONICS INITIATIVE, to be organised by the Asian Institute of Technology and the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center of the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand. The workshop is sponsored by the Reverse Brain Drain Project of NSTDA. It will be held on 10-11 February 2000 at the Siam Inter-Continental Hotel.
The workshop theme is 'Microelectronics Initiative: Why and How?' The workshop will unveil the recently finalized curriculum of the joint AIT/NECTEC Master's Program in Microelectronics, to be launched in May 2000. Also to be discussed are the framework for inter-university collaboration and linkages between industry and academic/research institutes in support of Microelectronics. Two important industry sectors, 'IC Packaging' and 'Storage Technology' will the subject of special MicroE Forum.
For further information, please contact the Dean's Office, SAT, AIT. Tel: (662) 524.5732 Fax: (662) 524.5745, E-mail: