KOREA 50 YEARS: 1950-2000
('In ten years, even the mountains move' says a Korean proverb.
This is true in economy, business, technology, society and even in Korean
politics. Few economies in the world have matched the phenomenal economic
development of Korea in terms of industrialization and technological progress.)
AIT KOREA WEEK under the theme KOREA 50 YEARS: 1950-2000
will be held from 3-7 July at AIT campus.
The event is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and AIT with sponsorship from THAI SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co.; Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA); Korea National Tourism Organization and AITAA Korea Chapter. The event will feature social and cultural activities focusing a retrospective on Korea for the past 50 years. Activities on the event are as follows:
Opening Ceremony - 3 July 13:30, AIT Center
Special Lectures - 3 July 14:30, RCC Auditorium
Taekwondo Performance - 3 July 19:00, AIT Center
Kimchi Making Experience - 3-6 July 14:30, AIT Center
Korean Film Festival - 3-7 July 19:30, AIT Center
Photo Exhibition - 3-7 July 08:00, AIT Center
Korean Food Festival - 7 July 14:30, Korea House
Admission to all the events is free of charge and complimentary gifts will be given at some events.
For more information visit: https://oldweb.ait.ac.th/students/korea