RTG Continues to Offer Doctoral and Master’s Degree Fellowships at AIT

RTG Continues to Offer Doctoral and Master's Degree Fellowships at AIT

The Royal Thai Government continues to offer fellowships during 2002-2003 to qualified Thais to study at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

Each fellowship, worth US$24,024 for Doctoral and US$12,012 for Master's, will support up to 60% of the overall study costs at AIT, with no obligation or bonding conditions attached. The amount covers tuition fee and academic service fee. The fellowships for the September 2002 intake are available in any field of study in the School of Civil Engineering http://www.sce.ait.ac.th/AIT

To be eligible, candidates must have an undergraduate grade significantly above average with CGPA of 2.75 or above for RTG Master Fellowship; and 3.5 or more in Master's degree and a CGPA of 3.0 or more in Bachelor degree for RTG Doctoral Fellowship.

RTG Fellowship is a form of financial assistance awarded by the Royal Thai Government to qualified Thai applicants who seek admission to the Doctoral and Master Programs at AIT. This fellowship scheme, which has been installed for the second year, enables a wide pool of qualified Thai students to benefit from the higher education at AIT. The ultimate goal is for AIT to help produce a critical mass of scientists and engineers to serve as key players in Thailand's sustainable development.

Application is now open until 15th June 2002. Applicants must complete the forms downloadable from https://oldweb.ait.ac.th/AIT/admissions/forms.html. Please contact sce@ait.ac.th for more details.