Visiting AIT…

Visiting AIT...

...on 8 May 2002

Dr. Francois-Xavier Mortreuil (above right), Deputy Head of Project at the PFIEV
( Programme de Formation d' Ingenieurs d' Excellence au Vietnam)
visited AIT and
met with Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar, Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD, Prof.
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean SCE and Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, Dean SAT and Mr.
Jean-Philippe Thouard, assistant to the President.

PFIEV is a 5 years program leading to the obtention of an Engineering
Diploma, based on a partnership between four foremost Vietnamese polytechnical institutes:
Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Danang University of
Technology and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. The program is supported by
the following leading French schools of engineering: Ecole Centrale de Paris, Ecole Nationale
des Ponts et Chausses, Suplec (Ecole Suprieure d' Electricit), Institut National Polytechique
de Grenoble, Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Lyon, Ecole Nationale Suprieure de
Mcanique et d'Aerotechnique. Several of those institutions are also engaged in partnerships with AIT.

Dr. Mortreuil discussed possible areas of collaboration between AIT and PFIEV.
PFIEV faculty could undergo short trainings or internships at AIT to engage
in collaborative course development. As part of a regional mobility program,
AIT could host PFIEV students for 6 months internships, possibly jointly with relevant regional industries.

... on 24 April 2002


Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, Director, and Mr. Benito E. Benoza, Executive Assistant to the Director, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Education Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) came to AIT to discuss possible collaboration between SEAMEO INNOTECH and AIT on setting up a Taskforce on the Project 'Intelligent Learning System'. The delegation met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Gajendra Singh, Dean of AIT Extension; and Dr. Ekavute Sujarae, Research Specialist, Distributed Education Center.

Photo shows Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, left, and Mr. B. Benoza, Center, discussing with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon.
Kansas State University, U.S.A.

Prof. Allen Featherstone, Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Agribusiness, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, U.S.A., visited AIT to discuss academic collaboration between AIT and Kansas State University. The Department of Agricultural Economics offers studies leading to a Master in Agribusiness (M.A.B.), Master of Science (M.S.), or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. Over 90 graduate students are enrolled in the Department. The recently introduced M.A.B. is the first distance education agribusiness master's program in the U.S. The 2½ year program allows agribusiness professionals to pursue a graduate degree while maintaining full time employment. The M.A.B. program emphasizes the study of economic and agribusiness management concepts and their application to food and agricultural business situations. The M.S. program stresses a strong foundation in economic theory and quantitative analysis, and their application in agriculturally related areas. Students may select from a variety of specialties and may complete either a thesis or non-thesis option. The Ph.D. program prepares students to conduct quantitatively-based economic research and analysis of managerial and policy questions. Doctoral study in the Department of Agricultural Economics leads to rewarding careers in industry, government, and higher education.

Photo shows Prof. Allen Featherstone, center, meeting with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, right, Provost; and Dr. Yann Duval of School of Management, left.
Leadership for Environment and Develeopment (LEAD)

Ms. Julia Marton-Lafevre, the Regional Director of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) with five delegates, visited AIT and met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost.

LEAD is an international network of professionals committed to sustainable development. Its 1200 members from nearly 70 countries are drawn from business, media, public sectors, academia and non-government organizations.

The LEAD network was set up in 1991 by the Rockefeller Foundation. LEAD's aim is to create and sustain a global network of emerging and working leaders ready and willing to address environment and development challenges in different countries.

Photo shows Ms. Julia Marton-Lafevre, right, and Mr. Ali Tauqeer Sheikh, center, National Program Director, LEAD Pakistan, meeting with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon.

International Relation, National Institute for Telecommunication, France

Mrs. Beverly Delsinne, Director of International Relation, National Institute for Telecommunication, France, and Mr. Jean-Francois Violette, Head of INT Enterprises (Continuing Extension Branch of INT, France), visited AIT and met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, Dean of School of Advanced Technologies; Prof. Himangshu Paul, Dean of School of Management; Prof. Francois Joel Broustail, Bilingual Program Coordinator; Prof. Phan Minh Dung, Computer Science and Information Management Program Coordinator; Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn, Telecommunications Program Coordinator; and Mr. Jean-Philippe Thouard, Assistant to the President.

Photo shows Mrs. Beverley Delsinne, left, and Mr. Jean-Francois Violette, center, discussing with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, right, Provost. Also attending the meeting are Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn TC Program Coordinator; and Prof. H. N. Phien, Dean of SAT (turn their backs).