Staff position vacancies
1. School of Civil Engineering
a. Dean's Administrative Assistant
b. School Planning Officer
2. School of Environmental Engineering and Resources Development
a. Laboratory Supervisor
3. President's Office
a. Secretary I
To view details of the above vacancies, please visit: https://oldweb.ait.ac.th/AIT/hro/ads/StaffPost.htm
Faculty Position in SERD
1. Assistant/Associate Professor in Natural Resources Management (NRM) field of study
Please visit:
Faculty Position in SAT
1. Assistant/Associate Professor in Telecommunications field of study
Please visit:
To make inquiries or send resume by e-mail to the Human Resources Office, write to: maybel@ait.ac.th or hro@ait.ac.th Or call tel: 524-5019. Fax: 524-5056