GMSARN partners ILO and ITC in organizing a rural road workshop in Phnom Penh

GMSARN partners ILO and ITC in organizing a rural road workshop in Phnom Penh

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, led an SCE faculty delegation in representing AIT at the Workshop on Rural Road organized by the Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network (GMSARN), which was held on 23-24 May 2002 at the World Vision Office in Phnom Penh.

On the team were Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali, Prof. Dennis Bergado, and Dr. Pichai Nimityongsakul of AIT's School of Civil Engineering.

The GMSARN Rural Road Workshop was co-organized by, the International Labour Organisation and Institut de Technologie du Cambodia. AIT, one of eight institutions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region that compose GMSARN, is the host institution for GMSARN.

The development of rural infrastructure, particularly roads, is crucial to the growth and prosperity of the GMS, particularly since the majority of the population live in rural areas.

H.E. Ly Thuch, Minister of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) of Cambodia, opened the workshop. Prof. Worsak read a welcome address on behalf of GMSARN Chairman, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President. Also presiding at the opening was Mr. Dara Johnston, Senior Technical Training Engineer, ILO Upstream Project.

On the opening session are (from left): Prof. Texier, Director of ITC; H.E. Tram Iv Tek, Under Secretary of State, Public Works and Traffic Ministry; H.E. Ly Thuch, Minister of Rural Development and Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean, SCE, AIT.

Prof. Worsak chaired the first day session which featured the following topics: Rural Roads Policies and Strategies by H.E. Ngy Chanphal, MRD Undersecretary of State; Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning by Mr. Doekle Wielinga of the ILO; Whole Life Costing and Low Cost Road Surfaces for Rural Roads by Mr. Robert Petts of Intech Associates; and Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) by Dr. Colin Gourley.

Prof. Worsak read the welcome address on behlaf of the Chairman of GMSARN, Prof. J. L. Armand, AIT President, with H.E. Ly Thuch, Minister of Rural Development, and Mr. Dara Johnston, Representative of ILO.

Prof. Worsak also made a presentation on 'Reuse of waste rubber tyres for better asphaltic pavement', while Prof. D.T. Bergado lectured on 'Shredded rubber tires with and without sand mixtures as lightweight backfill.' Prof. Tawatchai together with Mr. Fergus Gleeson made a presentation on 'Flood estimation under limited data for design of rural roads'.

Prof. Dennes T. Bergado expressed his views during the workshop

Dr. Pichai chaired a session to identify future possible research to be proposed for funding from ADB

Dr. Pichai chaired a panel to select topics for proposed research to be submitted by GMSARN to the ADB for possible funding. The topics are as follows: Alternative Technologies, including rubber asphalt and otto seal; Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning; and Soil Stabilization using Rice Hash Ash (RHA).

The AIT faculty members met with AIT alumni, including ITC faculty member Mr. Sok Khom, who welcomed them at the airport.

Audience at the workshop