Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation
July 11, 2002: Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, right, AIT President , presented a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Claus Mogensen, Counsellor and Head of Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) Section, The Royal Danish Embassy, in appreciation of his contribution towards the development of the region.
Mr. Claus Mogensen graduated from the Commercial University of Copenhagen with a degree in International Trade. After a number of years in the Danish private sector, he was assigned in 1974 by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work with the administration in the Danida division. Since the assignment, he has been working with all sorts of areas concerning development assistance both in Denmark and in 4 postings abroad. From 1978 to 1980 and again from 1981 to 1983 he was posted to the Royal Danish Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh From 1991 to 1994 and again from 1998 to 2002 he was posted to the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok. The first time in Bangkok, he was in charge of the Danish cooperation with Thailand, AIT and the Mekong River Commission, and the second time around, his area of responsibility was the cooperation with Cambodia, AIT and MRC.
Mr. Mogensen's legacy to AIT and to the region is through the building up of the Danida-AIT cooperation program. Back in 1998, he remarked that the support of Denmark to AIT is aimed at helping AIT strengthen itself in order to help the region better, and that AIT should look into focus-areas where it can make an impact in the region. It was with his seed idea that the Danida-supported General Program and the three focus areas of IWDM, ITCZM and MTERM were developed.