The Fourth Asian Mayors Forum

The Fourth Asian Mayors Forum and Regional Workshop on Good Urban Governance
for Poverty Reduction and Social Development -
Exchange of Tools, Techniques and Good Practices

Asian Development
Bank (ADB), Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Asian Institute of Technology
(AIT), CITYNET, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP),
Sustainable Cities Programme (Asia), UNDP The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI),
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), Urban Management Programme
(Asia) and the Urban Partnership Foundation (UPF)

invite you to

The Fourth Asian
Mayors Forum and Regional Workshop on Good Urban Governance for Poverty Reduction
and Social Development Exchange of Tools, Techniques and Good Practices

to be held at the

United Nations Conference
Centre and
the Asian Institute of Technology (supported by Canadian Universities Consortium),

Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 July 2002

Local authorities, non-governmental
and international organizations, civil society and academics all have an important
role to play in the development of cities in a more equitable and sustainable
manner and in meeting the demand for shelter, livelihood opportunities, education,
water, sanitation, mobility, social equity and most importantly a good quality
of life for all urban residents. The aim of this meeting is to exchange experiences,
knowledge and tools with other stakeholders and to collectively synthesise the
lesson learnt from 'good practices' for replication, up-scaling and institutionalization,
so that we may leave our cities as better places for the future generations.

For further information please contact
Urban Management Centre, SERD. Tel: 5699, 5777