Visiting AIT

Delegation from the ASEAN Foundation
Above: Dr. Ruben C. Umaly, center, Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation, is seen discussing with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (right), AIT President, on his visit to AIT on June 28, 2002. He is accompanied by Mr. Koichi Funayama (left), First Secretary, Chief Coordinator Officer to the ASEAN Foundation.

The ASEAN Foundation, based in Jakarta, takes an active part in the building of a more progressive, more
developed, more prosperous Southeast Asia. It has been given the mandate to source funds from the
private sector, other foundations, philanthropic organizations, and/or individuals to support the Foundation's
activities as well as to provide funds to academic, cultural, economic, social and other relevant government
institutions and bona fide NGOs of ASEAN member countries.

NORAD Review Team

On July 1-9, 2002 the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Review Team,
consisting of Dr. Betsy Elizabeth Heen, Adviser of Technical
Department, NORAD; Ms. Berit Aasen, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Urban
and Regional Research; and Dr. Thaveeporn Vasavakul, Resident Director, Council
on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Hanoi, Vietnam, visited AIT

The purpose of the visit of the NORAD Review team was to assess the
implementation and results of the Human Resources and Institutional
Development (HRID) Program during the period of 1998-2001 as well as to
give recommendations for future support to AIT. The review was an input to
the upcoming appraisal of a new project proposal that AIT will submit to
NORAD soon for future cooperation.

The NORAD Review Team met AIT administration and faculty members, led by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President.

During the visit of the AIT Child Center - Playschool, AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, is seen being flanked by Dr. Betsy Elizabeth Heen (on the left) and Ms Berit Aasen (on the right) while viewing the performances of Child Center and Playschool students to welcome the NORAD Review Team. Also sitting with them in the photo are from left: Mrs. Monowara Hussain, Program Officer and Dr. Thaveeporn Vasavaku, Resident Director, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Hanoi, Vietnam,

AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, left, and Ms. Berit Aasen, are seen receiving the garlands from Thai students from AIT Child Center - Playschool. Also in the photo is Mrs. Carmelita Atthakhosolsuradi, Primary School Teacher.

The performances by AIT Child Center and Playschool.

Delegation from Rajabhat Suan Sunanta Institute

On July 3, the delegation from Rajabhat Suan Sunanta Institute visited AIT and were briefed on facts and figures by Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar; on AIT Quality Assurance by Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean of School of Civil Engineering; on ITServ by Dr. Peter Haddawy, Chairman of the Information Technology Steering Committee; on AIT Academic system by Mr. Hilario P. Ricarte, Jr., Academic Planning Officer; and on Personnel Administration by Ms. Sawitree Khiatbunlue, Human Resource Manager.

Seen at the briefing (clockwise): Prof. Worsak talking about AIT Quality Assurance;
Ms. Sawitree Khiatbunlue giving the information on AIT Personnel Administration; Dr. Peter Haddawy briefing on ITServ
and Prof. Gothom Arya briefing on AIT facts and figures to the RSSI Delegation.

Delegation from the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

On July 4, the Delegation from University of Regina, led by Prof. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, visited AIT to explore the possible collaboration with AIT. Other members of the delegation were: Prof. Christine W. Chan, Department of Computer Science, Energy Informatics Laboratory; Associate Professor Luigi Benedicenti, Software Program Leader, Faculty of Engineering.

Photo shows Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, left, Provost, welcoming the delegation from UR, as shown from left: Prof. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul, Associate Professor Luigi Benedicenti, and Prof. Christine W. Chan.

The University of Regina have nine faculties and 23 departments, which have established reputations for excellence and innovative programs leading to bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees. One of its faculties, the faculty of Engineering consists of Industrial Systems, Electronic Systems, Environmental Systems, Petroleum Systems Engineering, and Software Engineering.

As a representative of the UR on the mission to Thailand, Prof. Paitoon has expressed his interest in an academic collaboration with AIT on dual degree of training program: