The Delegation from ASEAN Foundation and SEAMEO INNOTECH
July 18, 2002: Prof. Ruben C. Umaly, third from right, Executive Director, the ASEAN Foundation, and Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, second from left, Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH, met Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, Dean SAT; Dr. Peter Haddawy, Chairman of IT Steering Committee; Dr. Charoon Chirapaisarnkul, Director of Information Technology, AIT Extension; and Dr. Aekavute Sujarae, Research Specialist, ITServ. They also met Prof. Fumio Yamazaki, Japanese Faculty Representative; Dr. Jiro Takemura, Japanese Faculty Secretary; and Ms. Teresita M. Padilla, Academic Networking Support Coordinator.
The Delegation from NAM S&T; Center
July 19, 2002: Prof. K.N. Johry, former Director of Center for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S& T Center), visited AIT to introduce the new Director of the NAM S&T; Center, Dr. Arun P. Kulshrestha. Additionally, they also reviewed and explored a possibility of future collaboration with AIT. During the visit Dr. Kulshrestha took this opportunity to discuss with AIT faculty from the School of Advanced Technologies about the next joint workshop with AIT on 'Role of VLSI Design in MEMS' to be held later this year.
The Center for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T; Center) was set up in August 1989 in Delhi, India. The membership of the Center which covered 31 countries initially has gone up to 60 presently.The scientific activities and programs of the Center cover the following areas: Agro-Technology, Bio-Technology, Environment, Human Settlement, Micro-Electronics, Remote Sensing, Renewable Sources of Energy, Telecommunications for Development, Materials, Metrology and Policy Issues.
The NAM S&T; Center and AIT signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in December 1988. Both NAM S&T; and AIT had implemented a wide range of programs and jointly organized workshops on Management of Natural Disasters (Floods & Cyclone), Developments in Food Processing Technology and Micro-electronics.
Photo shows Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, second from left, Provost, discussing with Prof. K. N. Johry, left. From right are Dr. A. P. Kulshreshtha, and Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar.
From left: Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar; Dr. A. P. Kulshreshtha; Prof. K. N. Johry; and Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost.
The Delegation from University of Regina, Canada
July 22, 2002: Prof. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul, Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Professor Christine W. Chan, Department of Computer Science, Energy Informatics Laboratory, and Professor G.H. Huang, Assistant Dean (Research & External), Faculty of Engineering, the University of Regina, Canada, visited AIT for the second time, following the first visit on July 4, 2002. During this visit, each delegate presented the overview to AIT environmental engineering faculty and students on environmental research activities at the University of Regina, activities of the International Test Center for CO2 Capture (ITC) as well as application studies on environment and energy related problem.
The main presentation made by Prof. Huang covered on the following topics:
(1) Various aspects of environmental systems analysis:
- modeling of air/water pollution control systems;
- simulation and control for pollution abatement processes;
- climate-change impact assessment and adaptation planning;
- modeling of regional energy management systems;
- environmental risk assessment;
- GIS and environmental information systems.
(2) Environmental pollution control, such as:
- petroleum waste management;
- air pollution control;
- solid & hazardous waste management;
- site remediation;
- waste treatment, disposal, and stabilization.
(3) Systems analysis under uncertainty:
- inexact optimization,
- fuzzy set theory,
- stochastic analysis.
AIT faculty and students showed strong interest in the presentations. Due to time constraint, it was proposed that AIT and the University of Regina would organize a One-Day Joint Workshop between the University of Regina, AIT and the Pollution Control Department of Thailand.
Photo shows Prof. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina,
giving a presentation. Also in the photo are from left: Prof. G.H. Huang, Assistant Dean (Research &
External), Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina; and Prof. Christine W. Chan of UR's Department
of Computer Science, Energy Informatics Laboratory.
The President of the University of Regina will also take the opportunity to visit AIT in October 2002 when more concrete academic collaboration can be discussed.
In addition, there are fellowships available for students who would like to study at University of Regina or interested to work for ITC. Those who are interested can visit the following websites: