At the MoU Signing Ceremony (from left): Mr. Komol Chobchuenchom, NESDB Deputy Secretary-General; Mr. Wisnu Poonsook, NESDB Deputy Secretary-General; Mr. Chakramon Phasukvanich, NESDB Secretary-General; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Gothom Arya, AIT Registrar; and Mr. Arkhom Tempittayapaisith, NESDB Assistant Secretary-General.
NESDB and AIT Renew a Memorandum of Understanding
August 21, 2002: The Office of National and Social Development Board (NESDB) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) renewed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on their cooperation program for the period of 2002-2006 to further pursue inter-institutional cooperation in education, research and development in the areas of science and technology.
Mr. Chakramon Phasukavanich, Secretary-General of NESDB and Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President, signed the renewed MoU, which aims to foster collaborations in science and technology through human resource and institutional development or organization of joint activities.
The five-year renewal MoU covers the collaborative activities in the following areas: Master's and Doctoral Studies, Research and Development Program, Innovation Development, Networking, and Academic Institutional Support. The collaboration will be supported through sharing of information and facilities between NESDB and AIT so as to benefit Thailand's policy in the management and production of small-and medium-sized enterprises.
NESDB and AIT will work together to identify and seek funding for their activities and to encourage their experts to apply for research funding from various financial sources. AIT, at the request of NESDB, will carry out courses on special subjects relevant to NESDB program.
AIT will provide scholarships to qualified NESDB personnel to continue their master's or doctoral degree studies at AIT through financial assistance from both institutions, with AIT minimizing expenses for NESDB personnel who study at AIT. As AIT's counterpart in securing financial support from the Royal Thai Government departments and other agencies, NESDB will disseminate AIT information about AIT expertise in research and development and consultancy projects and will promote AIT as a post-graduate institution equivalent to any world class universities. NESDB will also incorporate the role of AIT in National Economic and Social Development Plans.