Staff position vacancies
1. Senior System Analyst/Project Leader
2. System Analyst
3. Web Graphic Designer
4. System/Network Administrator
5. Web Programmer
1. Research Fellow
School of Advanced Technologies
1. Laboratory Supervisor (ISE)
2. Laboratory Supervisor (Microelectronics)
School of Environment, Resources and Development
1. Research Assistant
2. Laboratory Supervisor
Physical Plant
1. Draftsman
To view details of the above vacancy, please visit: https://oldweb.ait.ac.th/AIT/hro/ads/StaffPost.htm
Faculty Position in SCE
Assistant/Associate Professor in Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering and Construction Engineering and Management.
Please visit: https://oldweb.ait.ac.th/AIT/hro/ads/SCE.htm
Faculty Position in SERD
Assistant/Associate Professor in Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology.
Please visit: http://intraweb.ait.ac.th/AIT/hro/ads/febt.htm
To make inquiries or send resume by e-mail to the Human Resources Office, write to: maybel@ait.ac.th or hro@ait.ac.th Or call tel: 524-5019. Fax: 524-5056