Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, and with the endorsements of the Dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development and the Provost, Prof. Jean Louis-Armand, AIT President, has approved the promotion of the following faculty members to the rank of Associate Professor, effective January 1, 2003:

Dr Yang Yi, Agricultural and Aquatic Systems and Engineering Program, SERD

Dr Weerakorn Ongsakul, Energy Program, SERD

On behalf of AIT, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them on this well-deserved recognition of their services to our Institute.

Doctoral Theses Presentations

Mr. Thai Thanh Ha (SMP999676), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of International Business, School of Management, will have his final examination on Friday, November 15 at 5:00 p.m., in Room 110A (SOM Seminar Room).

His dissertation is entitled 'Entrepreneurial Orientation, Business Strategies and Firm Performance: A Comparative Study of Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Vietnam and Thailand'