From left: Mr.Walter Kretschmar, German Director of TGI; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, AIT Provost; Dr. Guenther Tharun, Project Manager of CDG; Prof. Michael Schenk, Director of IFF; Associate Professor Pimonjan Namwat, Vice president for Operation, STOU; and Mr. Narong Rattana, Thai Director of TGI.
Signing of a Cooperation Agreement to Implement 'Self Learning Program LIFE CYCLE BASED PLANT MANAGEMENT' project for web-based learning between Germany and Southeast Asia
On October 10, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V. (CDG), Fraunhofer Institute Factory Operation and Automation (IFF), Department Logistics Systems Planning and Operation (LP), Germany, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), Thailand, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), and the Thai-German Institute (TGI) to launch a project entitled 'Self Learning Program LIFE CYCLE BASED PLANT MANAGEMENT' or LCPM Project. The cooperation agreement were signed by Dr. Guenther Tharun, Project Manageer of CDG; Prof. Michael Schenk, Director of IFF; Associate Professor Pimonjan Namwat, Vice President for Operation, STOU, Mr. Walter Kretschmar, German Director of TGI; Mr. Narong Rattana, Thai Director of TGI; and Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, on behalf of AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand. The agreement was signed on the Cooperation Day at TGI.
CDG and IFF are presently carrying out the 'Life Cycle Based Plant
Management' (LCPM) project, a new multi-stage Web-based self-learning program for graduate and undergraduate learners in ASEAN. The pilot program will combine novel teaching and learning methods with the support of multimedia tools and tele-tutoring, as well as real time equipments, CDG and IFF will design the contents, train tele-tutors and select suitable service centers where the program will be implemented.
CDG will undertake general supervision of the project while IFF will prepare the learning materials in English, and organize workshops for both tutors and learners while IFF will integrate the LCPM-Material in accordance with the 'Global Campus 21' of the CDG. At inquiries from Thailand, CDG and IFF will point to the supply of the parties in these countries.
Meanwhile, AIT will provide web based training for the LCPM Project for its degree and non-degree students using English language while STOU will provide web based training for Thai users - students and engineers.
TGI will offer a web based training program for the LCPM Project to engineers and clients using its facilities, which are also open to other parties at nominal charges on a case-to-case basis. It will also translate the learning materials developed by IFF into Thai. Translation will be done jointly with STOU on a cost-sharing and case-to-case basis.
TGI will offer a web based training program for the LCPM Project to engineers/customers, using its facilities which are also open for the other agreement parties at nominal charges on a case by case basis. It will translate the learning materials developed by IFF into Thai language. The translation will be done jointly with STOU on a cost-sharing and case-by-case basis.
The event featured an international video conference to celebrate the signing of a cooperation agreement for web-based learning between Germany and Southeast Asia.