On December 11, 2002, Dong Sheng Cai, Tsukuba University; Mr. Kazuo Hara, Director, Satellite Communication, KDDI; and Mr. Sotaro Ito, Director, NASDA'S Bangkok Office Visited AIT.
During the visit a technical presentation and discussion on the Distance Education NASDA i-Space project under the collaboration of Tsukuba University, Multimedia University of Malaysia and AIT, was held in Room 210, TC Bldg.
Professor Cai is seen making presentation about the proposed subject on E-learning in Asia based on Instruction Design Technology. This is a new initiative on distance education to be supported by NASDA and KDDI and participated by Tsukuba University, Multimedia University, and AIT.
A delegation of seven faculty members from the Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST) in Yunnan Province, China, spent a day at AIT on December 11, 2002. KUST is a member of the Greater Mekong Sub-region
Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) which has its Secretariat at AIT.
The members of the delegation were warmly received by the Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, President and GMSARN Chairman, Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost and GMSARN Director, Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, SERD Dean; Prof. Gajendra Singh, AIT Extension Dean; Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, SAT Dean, and, Ms. Teresita M. Padilla, Coordinator of Academic Networking Support, GMSARN Secretariat. AIT faculty members Dr. John Tang and Dr. Xiaoyong Chen also joined in welcoming them.
The delegates were very impressed with the laboratory facilities at EE, GTE and ET.
Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President handing an AIT token to KUST spokesperson Prof. Yongning Liang.
Dr. Chen behind Prof. Yingjie Zhang, Vice-President of KUST, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, Prof. Xinrui Zhang; and Assoc.Prof. Zengjun Gong.
On December 12, 2002 a delegation from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Yugoslavia visited AIT.
Seen during the visit are from left: Prof. Dr. Miodrag Zlokolica-Head of Department of Machine Elements and Mechanism and Machine Theory; Mr. Bojan Lalic, Assistant- Faculty of Technical Science; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost and Prof. Dr. Ilija Cosic, Dean of Faculty of Technical Sciences.
On the same day, a delegation from Budapest Polytechnic, Hungary visited at AIT.
Seen during the visit are from left Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, President, AIT; and Mr. Jozsef Erderlyi, Rector of Budapest Polytechnic.