The Bender Family hand-over President Bender's Royal Decoration to AIT
On February 4, 2003, the Bender Family handed-over the late President Milton Bender Jr,'s Royal Decoration to AIT. The Royal Thai Decoration ranking of the Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant (Third Class) was delivered to Professor Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President by Mr. Michael Nicholas, a representative of the Bender Family. The Royal Decoration is now hung above President Bender's picture at the Administrative Building.
In April 1978, His Majesty the King of Thailand bestowed the White Elephant Decoration on Dr. Milton E. Bender, Jr. in recognition of his distinctive contributions to the development of Thailand and the Asia region through his involvement with AIT. Dr. Bender's wife Letha wished that the decoration be kept at AIT after the passing away of her husband in the year 2000.
Prof. Bender and wife Letha at his residence in Sun City, Arizona, U.S.A.
Dr. Bender was the third Dean of the SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) Graduate School of Engineering and was the founding President of AIT. Dr. Bender effected the transition of the SEATO Graduate School to an independent institution specializing in graduate education in engineering and allied fields. He served his term as AIT's first President from January 1968 to February 1973.
Prof. Bender receives warm welcome from AITian during his visit to AIT from March 8 to 14, 1993
Dr. Bender was invited by the Board to serve for a second term from January 1975 to January 1977 to rescue the Institute during a difficult period and severe financial problems. He was successful in regaining the confidence of donors and in reversing the setbacks to AIT, thereby developing a new momentum for the Institute to continue its work.
Scenes from the Decoration Hand-over Ceremony
AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (center) and Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, with Mr. Michael Nicholas, representative of the Bender Family.
Attending the ceremony are from left: Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, President; Mr. Michael Nicholas, representative of the Bender Family; Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar; AIT guests Mr. Bob Baldwin from EC delegation in Bangkok; Ms. Madeleine Kelly from Europe Aid Office; and SERD faculty, Dr. Bernadette Resurreccion of Gender and Development Studies Field of Study.
From left: Prof. Himangshu Paul, Dean of SOM; Mr. Colin Ackerley, PTS Evaluator; Mr. Jean-Philippe Thouard, Assistant to AIT President; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; and Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President.
From left: Prof. Himangshu Paul, Dean of SOM; Prof. H. N. Phien, Dean of SAT; Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean of SCE; Mr. Noppadon Muangkroot, former AIT Director of Physical Plant; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; and Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President.
Also attending the ceremony are AIT officials.