On February 6, 2003, the Sida delegation visited AIT. The delegation consists of Dr. Berit Olsson, Head of the Department for Research Cooperation (SAREC); Mr. Jerker Thunberg, Head of the Department for Natural Resources and the Environment; Mr. Rolf Carlman, Head of the Department for Infrastructure & Economic Cooperation (INEC); Dr. Anders Thuren, Swedish Environment Secretariat in Asia (SENSA) and Dr. Bo Gohl, SENSA.
Seen during the visit are from left: Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Mari Osawa, Visiting Program, Gendev, AIT; Dr. Berit Olsson; M.r Jerker Thunberg; Mr. Rolf Carlman and Mr. Jorgen Schonning.
On February 10, 2003, the CIDA (Canadian International Development Aid) delegation
visited AIT. The delegation consisted of Mr. David Horton, Chief of Operations, Southeast Asia
Regional Program, CIDA Headquarters; Ms. Janet Lam, Project Manager, Southeast
Asia Regional Program, CIDA Headquarters and Ms. Thongkorn Hiranraks, Development Officer,
Canadian Embassy, Bangkok The visit aimed at discussing and obtaining input for the Project Approval Document (PAD)
for the Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications (SEA-UEMA) Project to be funded by CIDA.
From left: Ms. Thongkorn Hiranraks, Development Officer, Canadian Embassy, Bangkok; Ms. Janet Lam,
Project Manager, Southeast Asia Regional Program, CIDA Headquarters and Mr. David Horton, Chief of Operations,
Southeast Asia Regional Program, CIDA Headquarters.