SERD Masteral Students Receive Award

SERD Masteral Students Receive Award

SERD's August 2002 graduates, Mr. Ekbodin Winjitkul (left) and Mr. Nabin Upadhyay (below right), won the best paper awards from the International Air & Waste Management Association - West Coast Section (AWMA-WCS), California, USA. The awarded papers were written from their Master's thesis research and presented to The West Coast Section of the Air and Waste Management Association student paper competition.

Mr. Ekbordin Winijkul's paper is entitled 'Synoptic Climatological Approach for forecasting photochemical smog potential in Bangkok Metropolitan Region' and Mr. Nabin Upadhyay's is entitled 'Source Apportionment of PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 particles in Bangkok in dry season'

The awards were given in recognition of the quality of the students' research and the good efforts that Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, their adviser, has always committed in supervising the students' research work. The award received also helps maintain the School's academic standards and is one of the most effective ways of promoting AIT, all of which are most appreciated.

The AWMA-WCS award provides the students US$1,000 each if they come to the meeting and present the paper, and $500 if they can not make it to the International Meeting and Student Poster Session of the Association in San Diego, California, USA on June 22-26, 2003.

Highlights on A&WMA; and the AIT student chapter

The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA;) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization, providing training, information, and networking opportunities to more than 9,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. The Association's goals are to strengthen the environmental profession, expand scientific and technological responses to environmental concerns, and to assist professionals in critical environmental decision making to benefit society.

A&WMA; is divided into 33 regional sections, 67 local chapters, and 40 student chapters worldwide. Sections and Chapters enable Association members to meet more frequently and to discuss common problems and solutions with colleagues operating 'right in their own backyard.'

West Coast Section is one of the sections under A&WMA that includes 7 professional chapters (5 chapters in US and 2 chapters in Asian countries) and 5 student chapters in 2003. West Coast Section is administering student chapters, providing funds for scholarships and hosting the
Association's Annual Conference & Exhibition. Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Student Chapter established in 1999 is also one of the student chapters in this West Coast Section.

AIT A&WMA; student chapter has specific functions in planning and organizing activities such as technical seminars, meeting and workshops with the focus on international, regional and local issues. It aims at promoting a better understanding of the problems of air pollution control, waste management and related environmental concerns among local members, and working toward resolution of these problems with closer professional and personal relations among the members. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh is the professor in charge of the AIT A&WMA; student chapter.