SERD Faculty Receives Awards
Dr. Yang Yi (left), SERD's AARM faculty and former faculty Prof. C. Kwei Lin (right) recently have been selected to receive an Aquacultural Engineering Society (AES) Honorable Mention Paper Award given in recognition of authorship of a contribution to aquacultural engineering literature of exceptional merit. The citation is 'Management to minimize the environmental impacts of pond effluent: harvest draining techniques and effluent quality', Aquacultural Engineering 25:125-135.
The award emanated from a joint research work project SERD AIT undertook with Mr. K. Shrestha and Prof. J. S. Diana (who were also AES award co-recipients) of the University of Michigan, USA. The work was conducted in 1998 and was supported by PD/A CRSP, USAID.
With yet just another award, this fulfills AIT's new hub strategy which aims to strengthen partnerships with universities of high reputation.
The papers were published in Elsevier's Journal Aquacultural Engineering (AES's official journal) during the year before AES's annual meeting. The paper was selected from all papers published during the year 2001 by The AES Paper Awards Committee during its annual meeting held at Commonwealth Convention Center, Louisville, Kentucky, USA during February 18-21, 2003